Our perfect little Elliot Claire entered the world this morning at 6:43 weighing 8 pounds on the dot. Baby and mom are doing very well and we are doing what we can to get some kind of sleep in between feedings since we were up all night. Thank you for all your prayers and support. We are so excited about what the Lord has in store for us with our new angel. As a token of thanks I've posted some low quality pictures from my phone. Rest assured many photoshoots will take place in the next few weeks.

Welcome to the world little Elliot! Try to be good to your mom and dad - by the way, I love your name!!
I have been so excited since I woke up to Jessica's text!!!! Congratulations Jenn and Wes!! I love yall and you will be the greatest parents!
Beautiful! Please try to get some rest mama!
Congratulations! She's beautiful! (pretty name, too!)
CONGRATS! She is absolutely beautiful!
I, too, LOVE her name!!
Congrats! You are going to have so much fun watching her grow!
So perfect, so alert! Congrats, and good luck on an amazing journey, little E.C.!
Yay!! Congrats!!
Congrats Jen!!! She is beautiful and I LOVE her name. Enjoy every second!
Congratulations!! She is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen!
Congratulations!!! Really there is NOTHING in life that compares to the birth of your first child. Savor every single solitary second. I have 3 now and each was thrilling but there is something about the first:)
This makes me so happy! I can hardly keep from coming to the hospital! Congratulations to both of you, and I can't wait to see more pictures!
OMG, congratulations, you guys!! She is wonderful! Love her name! Hope labor went well, Jenn...you look amazing:) Get ready for the ride of your life, each day is amazing!
Congratulations! She is beautiful.
I have never commented on your blog before, but I read frequently, and I just wanted to tell you congratulations. She is a beautiful girl with a beautiful name!
congratulatins and rest, rest, rest!
Oh, congrats Jennifer! She is so beautiful. There is nothing better....much love to y'all!!
YAY! She doesn't even look like a newborn, she is THAT gorgeous!
Congrats friends!
xo - kb
Congratulations!!! What a beautiful addition to your family!
Congratulations! I love her name! Can't wait to read all the upcoming posts about her.
Congrats yall! She's gorgeous!
Congrats you guys!!!! What a darling little blessing you have! And Jen you look great!
Congrats. Happy Birthday to sweet little Elliot (and Wes)!
Congratulations ! She is beautiful !
I especially like the way she looks in a hat :D
besos and Welcome to the World, Elliot Claire .. wonderful name !
YAY! So happy for y'all! Welcome baby girl!
Congratulations!!Lovely name..
Beautiful! Huge congrats. I of course love the name!
Congratulations Jenn and Wes! She is beautiful! Many blessings for your new family!
She's beautiful and you look fabulous!!! Congrats little mama!
Congratulations! What a gorgeous name for such a gorgeous little bundle of joy!
wishing you love, peace and sleep!
A beautiful name for a beautiful little baby girl! Congratulations to you and Wes!
Welcome to the world Elliot! What a beautiful little face she has! Now get some rest and sleep momma and poppa, it's a lot of work (my lil Elliott (boy) was born in May!).
Jennifer and Wes she is beautiful! I could not be anymore excited for you two.
Congratulations! what an amazing day for your new little family!
Many, many warm congrats on the arrival of your beautiful little girl!!
YAYYY!!! Congrats! Welcome baby girl!
Congrats on the birth of your sweet little baby. Nothing like the smell of a new baby - I love it.
Congratulations on your pretty little girl! You've chosen a beautiful, beautiful name!
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!! Can't wait to see more pics!!
Many congratulations! What a sweet little face, so alert! Enjoy this time cuddling and just taking in all her babyness.
Congrats! She's beautiful.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! she is so so cute!!!
wow congrats to you both on the birth of your first little one!!!
Jennifer!!!!! congratulations and she's a beautiful little princess!!! i am so excited for you!!! she seems to look like mommy to me??
huge hug and am just so happy for you guys.
Congrats to you and welcome to your little angel!
congrats! she's adorable
So happy for you and your family, she's as beautiful as her name!! Congrats!!
Congratulations! She's adorable!
(I never comment, but thought this deserved it!!)
Congratulations to your little family!
She is JUST beautiful!
Do I see a little war eagle cap???
Love the name! What an exciting time for your family! Congratulations!
It was such an honor to serve your little family yesterday. I love all of these pictures - she's so alert and beautiful!
You look great, Jennifer, and I hope that the sleep you were able to get last night was deep and that you've been able to rest while at the hospital.
Hooray for sweet Elliot!
so excited for y'all! she is perfect!
How wonderful, girls are the best!
You never lose them, they are built in friends and love to dote on there brothers.
Jennifer, oh how precious she is! So happy for you, big congrats.
She's beautiful and I'm sure she has already stolen your heart. Love her name.
Aw, congratulations! She's beautiful!
Congrats and hang in there! My husband and I had our first on 11/11, so we're now 8 weeks in and I can tell you that while we are still sleep deprived and not feeling normal 100%, we have made huge strides. The tough stuff in the beginning does get easier! Enjoy that little bundle!
I haven't commented before but I read often.
Congrats to you both. She is beautiful!
CONGRATS!! She is beautiful, enojy the next few days with her- we'll all be here when you get back :)
Awww.... I know I'm a little late with this, but congratulations!!
Just read your story on Melissa's blog. You rock! Sounds like an awesome birthing experience!
Elliot is adorable. I LOVE the name. And War Eagle!
I am a little late, but CONGRATS... she is beautiful!
Congrats. You both look great!!!
Congratulations! She's beautiful!
beautiful girl, beautiful name! congratulations :)
what a beautiful baby with a lovely name. I would follow your blog if I could find a 'follow' button. but perhaps you don't really want followers? just found your blog thru a blog i follow; will come back often. thanks! http://www.cherylannwills.blogspot.com
Wareagle :-)and Congratulations! She is adorable!
Thanks for this post.
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