Monday, July 23, 2007

In the beginning ...

Dang, I've always hated intro paragraphs. So I'll think I'll just skip that part - it's my blog, right? I'm writing because I think this is a pretty groovy way to keep in touch with folks and a fun little record of mine and Wes' first year (or more, we'll see) together.

A little about us: we met while working in orientation at Auburn University. Wes now works in project management for a big construction company, and I maintain the Web site for a premium shelter magazine. We were married June 30 on the most beautiful, blessed day of our lives. It was awesome, and I'm still not over it. After a fabulous honeymoon in Charleston (aka, the most lovely, charming city ever), we're just plugging away at life, trying to spend time with each other, our families and friends and our cat, Peepers.

And this, I suppose, is our diary ...


  1. Congratulations!!!!!

    You will get so addicted. You should give Wes a password and let him write an entry or two in response to some of what you write. That would be truly hilarious.

    Can't wait to hear - then read - about your first year. Love you much.

  2. June 30, 2007? My husband and I were married the night before. :)
