Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day 137

Spoiler Alert - if you think you might be on our Christmas card list, and don't want the joy of opening the card and seeing it for the very first time ruined, look away. And if December 25 rolls around and you still haven't gotten this in the mail, sorry. I'm picky, and the good ones are freakin' expensive! You may consider this your digital holiday greeting (how terribly unchic of me).

I'm working on a Web story, so my cube is currently bursting at the seams with lots of fun holiday stationery (cards, gift enclosures, invitations, etc.) and gift wrap that's more expensive than I'll ever justify spending (probably). Since I'm in the spirit, I finally broke down and ordered our Christmas cards today. I'm very very very pleased so far (my wallet, however, is not), and I hope that when they come in the mail (I ordered them online) I will still be pleased. I've had my eye on this company for a while, so I hope that my allusions of grandeur aren't dashed by poor paper quality or laser-jet printing or some other tragedy! They're called tiny*prints, and they do some pretty stuff. You can upload your photos directly onto the site, which I thought was cool. And the prices were comparable to what I found locally.

Without further ado, the card:

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