Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Day 150

War Eagle!

Whew, what a week/weekend. Quick recap: Little Rock was lots of fun - as spending time with the Joneses usually is. Geography dictates that we don't all end up in one place very often, so it was great to spend time with them. We rounded out the weekend with a trip to Auburn to watch the Tigers trounce the Crimson Tide for the sixth, count 'em SIX, time in a row! We both grew up in North Alabama with lots of redneck 'Bammers (none of whom actually went to the University of Alabama - I can tolerate those kind), so beating 'Bama once is a thrill, six times in a row is an absolute treat.

Unfortunately, I left the Plains without two very, very important items:

1. I guess all of that furious clapping was too much, because I lost a stone in my wedding band (again), and had to leave it with my sister to be repaired by the jeweler there. I feel naked without it.
2. Somewhere between Toomer's Corner and our tailgate (what, a mile maybe? maybe not ... ) I lost most of my lucky "Beat Bama" button. I still have the metal pin, but it just doesn't have quite the same effect on it's own. That button saw Auburn through six straight wins, so I might have to wear the metal pin next year, just in case.

Wes and my cousin Jess found a, ahem, more creative way to illustrate the winning streak


  1. Sad day about the wedding band. Can't believe that's happened twice now.

    Equally sad day about the Beat Bama button.

    And after the game, my sister and I were doing the same gesture as Wes and Jessica. Great minds think alike!

  2. I'm pretty sure every Auburn fan I know has a picture of them with six fingers up somewhere on the internet. :)

    This is Jessica Eastman, by the way. I just found your blog. War Eagle!
