Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 268's weekend progress

Okay, so the title is deceiving, this is actually last weekend's progress. Easter weekend was spent relaxing in Little Rock with the Jones clan and Maddie. No house work involved.

The most pressing task for the past few weeks has been third bedroom. We have several pieces of mis-matched furniture that we wanted to unify with paint, and until that was finished, it felt pointless to unpack anything in the room. Wes primed two of the pieces a couple of weeks ago, and then finished them up with two coats of Benjamin Moore's Simply White on Sunday afternoon.

Then I got to work! This is what the room looked like on move-in day, and it has pretty much looked that way since, sadly. I don't even know what all of that stuff is! Sheesh. Now, behold the (almost) finished product:

Here's what you're seeing: Mom donated the futon so we can have overnight company -- pack your bags, LJ/Laura and Austin/Star/whomever! You can see that Peepers the Cat has already made himself at home on the sofa. The trunk in the middle of the floor is homeless, and much too heavy for me to move on my own. That little bedside table was the ugliest thing I had ever seen (we forgot to take a "before" shot), and I only kept it because Wes refused to give it up. Smart move on his part because it looks great white! The lamps are leftovers from our Auburn days (I took this brass one out of my grandmother's basement and spray painted it silver), but work for now.

Clearly, there is still a pile of items that need to be dealt with, but it is much more manageable. I stashed it in this corner so that I cannot see it from the doorway. Now I get this lovely view when I walk down the hall:


There is still a to-do list for the room (paint and prime the wardrobe and get hardware for everything), and we'd eventually like an actual bed, but for now, the progress feels great.


  1. It's MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. is there room for Linda there too? You know she doesn't let me out of her sight when I am in Alabama.

  2. I love how it looks! Can I ask you how hard it was? I posted in my blog last week about painting some furniture, and I have to admit... I'm intimidated!

  3. Wes may be better equipped to answer this question since he actually did all of the work, but as far as I could tell from my spot on the couch (I kid!), it was pretty easy.

    No doubt due to the coat of primer he added before painting. We used Kilz (available everywhere), but Zinnser is also good. Then he put two coats of paint on with a small roller brush. I found it at Lowe's and it was labeled "for furniture." Choosing the roller over a brush made a big difference in the finish, in my opinion.

    Good luck, Meg!

  4. Honestly, it was pretty freaking easy. I primed both pieces in about 30 minutes with a brush. I could have painted them that same day but got caught up doing stuff. Since I had the two pieces and all their drawers I was able to start with the bigger one with the roller and move on through. By the time I finished everything the latex paint was dry on the first thing. I used a roller everywhere except for the grooved places on the drawers and the hard to reach places where the top overlapped the sides. I used a brush on those areas and then painted over them as best I could with the roller to keep the same texture on the whole dresser. All in all the two coats of paint probably took 1 - 1.5 hours.

  5. Thanks! That's good to know...

  6. Hi! Your blog is very fun. I love seeing your progress :)

  7. Wow. I think the room looks great. I'm really digging the white. It's clean yet not too sterile.
