Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 303's progress

Let there be light ... fixtures!

Over the weekend, Wes sanded, primed and painted the walls in the bathroom, and hung the light fixture. It's really starting to look like a bathroom again! On the list for this week: grouting the tile on the floor, then installing the sink and toilet (hooray!).

While we were busy at home, our friend Lindsay ran her first half marathon! We're so proud of you, LJ!


  1. Hey thanks! And I am proud of my ambitious smart crafty home fixer upper friends!
    Thanks for your support and encouragement! See you soon I hope!

  2. Woo-hoo! I like what you've chosen for a fixture and love the wall color. What's the name of the paint color?

  3. thanks! it's the same color we painted in the bedroom, Benjamin Moore, #1032. I've misplaced the sample with the name, but did find that the numbers are better to keep up with, as they often rename paints when they are added to different collections.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. moving right along! i've been meaning to mention since you started your renovation that I have access to a couple things that might help curve the cost, other than tools. Black and Decker owns Kwikset Locks, Baldwin Locks, Weiser Locks and Price Pfister. I can get everything at cost for yall. So if you run across anything you like, just let me know.
