Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 352

My Notting Hill posted this image today, and I liked it so much I immediately made it the background on my computer at work (pillows on my desktop? am I that boring?!). I love the egg prints, the crusty settee and the colors of the pillows. I think this is my new inspiration for the Great Sofa Pillow Hunt 2008.

So far, so good:

Aztec pillow at Z Gallerie.

In case you are wondering, the trip to Charlotte was fabulous, but there was too much socializing to get any serious shop scouting done. We've promised the bride and groom another trip (sans a wedding!) and hopefully we'll be able to squeeze some in then.

At the reception with the lovely bride and handsome groom.

Welcome to the club, Austin (and Laura too)!


  1. You know what's closer than Charlotte? Nashville. And you know when would be a good time to come? This weekend!!!!

  2. You are so adorable!!!!!!!!!! love that picture of the settee too - why is it that some things are just such eye candy??????

  3. ooo, I will hunt with you! :)

    I am so happy for Laura and Austin!

  4. Wow! I have been looking at ya'lls blog for at least a month now (a friend of mine said it was a good one for decorating) and just now realized it is you and Wes. Hope ya'll are doing well! ~Phil and Ashley Gentry

  5. Yay! We made the blog...we feel very famous. We love you and we will talk to you soon. -Walsh and Walshie
