Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 492: more on pumpkins

Holy moly, where did October go? As excited as I was about (a not scary) Halloween, it was somewhat anti-climatic at our house. We decided at the last minute to attend a party, so I didn't bother buying candy. So of course, we were the Scrooges of the neighborhood with our porch light off during prime trick-or-treating time, and I felt like a dummy when our neighbor brought his two young boys by and we had to send them home empty-handed! Oh the horror.

Last minute party attendance also made for last-minute costuming. Determined not to purchase anything, we weren't left with many options. Wes gave in and spent $7 on a pair of suspenders to complete his Bill Lumbergh get-up, and I employed my red suit and glasses and proudly waved my American flags Sarah Palin-style (not very original, I know). The goal was to be recognizable, so it was a success -- too bad we didn't take a single picture to prove it!

Are you tired of pumpkins yet? I'm not, and most of all I'm determined not to give in and start thinking about Christmas yet! The leaves are just starting to turn in Alabama, people.

Photo by Matthew Benson for Country Living

We never even carved a jack-o'lantern! Is it too late to carve a non-Halloweeny one?

Oh Martha, she sure can make a holiday look good. What did you love about Halloween?

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I'm stuck at home today and was pretty bored. I was at and as a newlywed myself (just over 7 months!) I had to check out your blog. I just spend FOUR AND A HALF HOURS reading all of your posts. I couldn't stop myself. I'm actually from Huntsville, AL (though I live in upstate NY now), so your style and ideas fit mine much better than folks up here. Anyway, thanks for filling my morning!!
