Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 508's big reveal

Photo by Colin Peterson for MyHomeIdeas

I can't believe I almost forgot to tell you about this! My chairs are finally done, and the story is up! The whole project was definitely a learning experience, and I hope you'll click through to read more about it.

After getting them back with the fabric on backward, the upholsterer was able to turn it around without even using any more of the scrap -- I was pretty impressed with that. They didn't charge me anything to redo them, which they would been right in doing since I didn't indicate which side I wanted to be the front. Who knew?!

Photo by Becky Luigart-Stayner for MyHomeIdeas

I am so tickled about they turned out, and almost just as tickled about this photo! So much so, that I'm thinking of commissioning Anne Harwell to do a little something with it. Perhaps as a birthday present in 2009? (I have been so awful about parading my wish lists on this blog! Terrible!)

Interior by Tia Zoldan, Photo by Jeremy Samuelson for Cottage Living

In other news, I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you (at least I hope not) that the shelter category lost a great magazine this week in Cottage Living. I know first hand that those were some of the most talented, innovative people in the industry. Cottage was certainly a personal favorite of mine and I was -- and still am -- honored to have even been in the same building as those folks.

I've debated and debated about even bringing this up, but it seems I have no choice now. It's been a scary, scary few weeks around here -- and I'm sure I'm not the only one -- and at times it has been hard to even bother with these oftentimes-trivial posts. But I've been reminded that I started this blog to have a little fun and to inspire a little bit, and there is no reason I can't continue to do that.


  1. love your chair!!! looks great! hang in there my friend... everyone needs inspiration despite the scary economy!

  2. i love, love these chairs! is the upholsterer local? Not sure if this is in my price point, but i do have an older chair with great lines in the garage waiting for some attention.

    Cottage living, yes, it makes me sad. it is my fav:(

  3. I just heard about Cottage Living on Urban Grace Interiors. I'm so sad! For some reason I thought you worked there. I"m sorry for all those talented people and wish them the best.

  4. i am so sad by the news of cottage living and i know how scary it must be but no matter what, you will always have your friends here for you :) keep your head up...and i love the final product of your chair!

  5. the chairs look fabulous! i know you are thrilled to have them back. can't wait to see them with your chest.
    it is sad to hear about cottage living. i have been thinking about you.

  6. That chair is fierce. Swoon.

  7. what beautiful chairs! and so sad about cottage living, these are such tough times for magazines. but i love your blog, please keep it up! we need it now more than ever :)

  8. your chairs look great!

    they actually just did a couple of projects at my house..i'll be posting them once I have the go ahead :)

    i got the cut's scary times now..but I've already found something new...there's tons of talent in the company and I know the most recent group will find something too. yall keep holding on!

  9. The chair looks great!

    I'm sad too about Cottage Living. I can't believe it :(

  10. The chairs have such a great updated look now. I am so sad that CL is gone. It was my favorite and soo many talented people on staff. I do hope they find something soon.

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