Friday, December 19, 2008

Day 538's pretty

I'm currently counting the hours until my two weeks (!!) of holiday vacation begins! Don't be too jealous though, as my lap top is coming home, and so it a little bit of work. But I will be working from my sofa, so I'm happy to have that ability. I'll be in and out (probably mostly out) and want to wish a very Merry Christmas to those who won't be back around until 2009.

Happy Weekend!


  1. Oh, I am jealous! And you are lucky! We have to work Monday and Tuesday of next week, and it is killing us! happy weekend and Merry Christmas!!

  2. I've been reading for awhile, but don't think I ever comment. Everything you post is always so pretty!!

  3. how fun. this is one of hubby's busiest times of the year i would love some quality time right about now.

  4. Time off over the holidays is such a great thing! Merry Christmas to you, too! Love the image in this post! Stunning!


  5. Google Reader recommended your blog to me. Then I read your blog and found out you're from Alabama too. I'm from Huntsville.

    Your blog is full of inspiration! I love it! Do you mind if I add you to my blog roll?
