Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 667's shop crush: Revival

Wes and I went to Chattanooga, Tennessee for a little weekend getaway. Chattanooga is neat little city on the banks of the Tennessee River, and after just two days, I filed in the "I could live there one day" folder, just for future reference. It had kind of a hipster vibe that reminded me of another Southern city that I love, Little Rock, Arkansas (yes, Arkansas is cool!). I have a lot to share, but let's just start with a great shop, Revival Uncommon Goods.

Revival is located in the oldest building in Chattanooga, the Passenger Baggage Building, built in 1850. It has a great mix of fabulous new lines of furniture, accessories and tableware (John Derian, Atticus, -- love that one -- Match, Juliska and Bobo Intriguing Objects) mixed with one-of-a-kind antiques that owner brings over from buying trips to Europe.

And I wish I had gotten a shot of the incredible pillows, but picture gorgeous linen mixed with silk taffeta. They cost as much as we spent on the hotel for the weekend, but man, they were pretty!

Also in the building is Amanda Pinson Jewelry, which had the most lovely space (above).


  1. Chattanooga is in our "we could live there one day" file too!! Oh how I love Juliska as well! Good find

  2. makes me wish chattanooga was a little closer.

  3. I am totally jealous!! Looks like a great store and a great trip!

  4. I can't believe I go there all the time and I haven't yet discovered this gem of a store...amazing!

  5. Dear Mary Beth and Jennifer,

    YOU SHOULD live in Chattanooga one day! We would gladly welcome you. Glad you liked Revival!

  6. As a resident of Little Rock, I appreciate the shoutout! I have lived here for over five years but have not found any cool design places like this one. Are you familiar with any that I might be missing?

  7. Fun find!! I will add it to my road trip list!

  8. I am so happy you got to go. I so missed out on our trip, this place looks amazing. We too put this in our one day folder.

  9. I live in Fort Payne, AL and when I need a city fix I drive up to Chattanooga! It's only 40 minutes away. I discovered Revival when I was helping a friend shop for a Chandelier. I talked her into buying the Suzanne Kasler, Italian wooden,chandelier over one of the tables. They should be hanging it soon! It is so beautiful in person.
    Love your blog,
    Misplaced Texan

  10. Great shop! I love Chattanooga and weekend getaways. We celebrated our fist anniversary there. :)

  11. I am going to Chattanooga this week-end for a big (100 miles) bicycle ride with my family. The rumor is that it is supposed to rain. We were talking about making a Plan B for bad weather, and I will add this shop to our list.

  12. wow, incredible store. i will have Chattanooga to my list of places to visit...just to go see this place. although i am sure the city is just as lovely.

  13. I live in North Chattanooga, and I love it! I love the Revival store also. There's lots of fun places to shop in Chattanooga. I highly recommend it as a place to visit.

  14. e. lilley -- thanks for the recommendation! you were right, TOTAL eye candy.

    katy -- I don't know of any in Little Rock, someone should get on that. LR deserves some love.

    Cara -- sounds amazing! thanks for reading!

    Anon -- there are lots of great antique stores too. Try the Knitting Mill if you've got lots of time to kill.

    Mandy -- you are so right. even if you skip the touristy things (which we did) there is still plenty to do. we really enjoyed your little city.
