Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 681's peonies

Courtney has been on top of the Peony Watch in Atlanta, and after seeing that they were in on Friday, I couldn't help but make a little detour to our own Whole Foods just to see. The floral department was a little crowded with early Mothers' Day shoppers, but sure enough, there they were.

None of the buds were open, so I knew I'd get my $11.99's worth.

Now that they've opened, they look spectacular in my basalt pitcher (and they smell great, too!).


  1. Oh how I love peonies. They bloom a bit later here in Maine so I will be able to enjoy them in a few weeks. Can't wait!

  2. I love peonies. They are so pretty.

    Be sure to check my blog tomorrow for my Homegoods post... don't know if I should thank you or not! I spent too much money there this weekend.

  3. So beautiful! I love peonies, they are one of my favorite. They look perfect in the pitcher too.

  4. Peonies are my absolute favorite flower but I wish they bloomed more than a short time each year. I did not know you could get them at Whole Foods....I will have to check that out.

  5. JEALOUS! They are so beautiful...dang it why do I not get sun in my yard!?! If I did, you can guarantee that my whole yard would be peonied.

    Speaking of my yard - when are you gonna come have a glass of sweet tea with me as we picnic in the grass?

  6. How pretty and perfect are those peonies?? Love!
