Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 716's love

This weekend seemed like the first real summer weekend of the year. To me, summer means ... hydrangeas and Queen Anne's Lace (plucked from behind an Auto Zone) on the kitchen table.

Dinners off the grill every night ... Saturday it was salmon and grilled veggies.

And fresh, delicious blueberries in a cobbler for dessert -- with ice cream, of course! What are you loving about summer?


  1. oh my, that meal looks delicious. I love our one prayer small group.

  2. Oh that sounds good. There is nothing like cooking out that makes me think of summer.

  3. Pasta salad, grilling by the pool, gin and tonic with a twist of lime - the list goes on.

    Haven't commented in a while - super jealous of your New York trip(even if it was business). It is one of my FAVORITE places. Hope all is going well!

  4. Everything listed, and being at the lake when we can!

  5. Love everything you just listed... that all sounds perfect to me!

    I made a blackberry cobbler last weekend with some berries that I bought at Pepper Place. Delicious!

  6. I must agree grilled salmon and a veggies a really nice meal. But I live in Florida so it is summer most of the time, and we grill all of the time. However, those blueberries could top my list! Another summer time fav is icy cold slices of watermelon while sitting on the beach. Yum.

  7. Loving the Queen Anne's Lace and hydrangeas right now, too!

  8. your meal looks amazing! making me hungry!

  9. I wouldnt know what summer was yet...up here in Boston its been pretty gloomy outside. I'm hoping for a turn around soon, because this is depressing. I want my fun summer bbq's, and corn on the cob, and 4th of July fireworks...ahh hopefully soon :)
