Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 726's dessert

Nearly all of my childhood Fourth of July holidays were spent at my grandparents lake house. There was much swimming, boating, hamburger-eating, and firework-shooting, but also blueberry-picking at a nearby farm. For me (and many Southerners, I'm sure), blueberries and the Fourth of July are one-in-the-same.

Now, my granddad -- Pop -- has a yard-full of blueberry bushes that he offers up to anyone with an empty bucket to fill. The last time I checked, they were nearly in (above photo). I have go-to cobbler recipe, but this year, I think I'm going to branch out a bit. The top contenders are ...

Smitten Kitchen's Blueberry Crumb Bars

Martha Stewart's Blueberry and Buttermilk Tart

Cooking Light's Lemon-Scented Blueberry Cupcakes

How about you? Have any summer memories or blueberry recipes to share?


  1. I wouldn't be able to decide b/t the three. those all sound divine.

    here is my go to blueberry breakfast- it's so good!

  2. Yum!
    I love any kind of ______berry!!

  3. my mouth is i need to go look in my kitchen for something sweet.

  4. oh mygoodness!!! all looks so good!!! now i need a blueberry muffin...

    ps- i am CRACKING up over your comment you just left. I have no idea what was with the asian thing either?!!! hahahaha too funny

  5. I love ANYTHING with blueberries in it. Its Thursday so right now all I can think of is a cool vodka drink with some blueberries in it- mmmm.

    I'm not Southern, but blueberries and 4th of July go hand in hand with me too :)

  6. hahahahahah LOVE IT!!!! that's hysterical. xoxo

  7. I do have a wonderful blueberry pie recipe! I will have to email it to you when I get home. Don't have the recipe here! All of those look wonderful though!

  8. Hi, Jennifer, we love our blueberries too & are so excited to have our own bushes growing in our frontyard now. We are getting a few this year, so happy about that.

    All these recipes look fantastic, esp. that Martha one. Yum!

    You'll have to check out Morgan Creek, it really is fun with the concerts and fireworks.

  9. My family's summer fave was always blackberry cobbler made by my mom. I still have to have it every summer!

  10. Oh looks yummy. I never really liked blueberries before. I actually had never tried them until recently.

    I started eating them, because they were low in cals and so good for you and I'm now hooked.

    Yummy. I'm dying for those blueberry crumb cake. Oh I want some, but it's probably not that healthy! :)

  11. Okay I must have something with blueberries now!

  12. I made the blueberry lemon cupcakes last night. Loved them!
