Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 821's great debate

I finally got my architecture prints in some frames over the weekend. It took trips to three different Targets, but it's finished. Now if we can only decide how to hang them. Wes and I have differing opinions about how they should look, so we've decided to let you, dear readers, help us decide.

I taped the liner from the frames on the walls, so let us know what you think. Keep in mind, the frames are slightly larger than what is hanging on the wall, and these are probably not quite as straight as they could be.

Choice A: Vertically I think they should be hung this way. I think we need the height to fill the wall, and to balance the tall windows on the wall opposite the sofa. My plan is to fill it out horizontally with plates on either side of the group of pictures.

Choice B: Horizontally Wes would like them to be hung horizontally, to follow the width of the sofa.

So, what do you think? A or B? Or something else entirely -- we're open to suggestion!


  1. OK...this probably doesn't help, but would you consider adding anything else to the grouping? if they are hung vertically there is good height but it's not wide enough. and, horizontally great width but not enough height. if you really want them to stand out i would add to the grouping! or you could go with larger frames and mat's!

  2. A, but only if you add to the width. I agree that there is not enough height if you hang them horizontally and it is much harder to add height than width with this grouping.

  3. B! Or alternatively, having 2 rows all the way across. I like the height but it's just not wide enough.

  4. If you had more prints, i'd suggest A. But as you have four, it will fill the space better if you go horizontaly.

  5. I like B better for the four prints. A little more space between them might help the balance thing previous posters mentioned. Brittany's suggestion of 2 rows (8 prints) would really make a statement.

  6. As the way it is I like B, but I know you could work some magic with the plates and fill it up the empty space in A. I suppose I am not much help, but I do love the way it's coming along.

  7. go with horizontal, but space them out a little more, or get one more frame (it could even be a different or bigger frame to put in the middle, with 2 of your others on each side) Also, you can afford to place them a few inches higher. The vertical is an awkward use of space-- height, yes... pleasing to the eye... er...? not so much. The rest looks great though, love your blog!

  8. If you are going to add more to the sides I like the first choice. You are right, it adds height to the space.

  9. Sorry, Have to go with Wes, I like B.

  10. Vertical - but with the other additons to either side as you have planned. Liked how you mocked up both versions - I'm often too impulsive and just start hammering away.

  11. Choice B, to emphasize the horizontal on the sofa. It looks more complete as of now, even though I know what you mean about adding on horizontally to Choice A in the future.

  12. Definitely A--but with the addition of plates for added width. Your room looks great so far!

  13. Sorry- I like B. I'm with the man on this one. I don't like too much above the couch so plates added to A would be too cluttered for me. :) Good luck, I'm sure you'll make it look nice either way.

  14. ya'll don't have to apologize for choosing B! this isn't a "see, I told you so" situation, we're just curious about what you think!

    thanks for the input!

  15. I like B the best in this situation, and would probably love A more if there were a few things added to it. Can't wait to see the outcome!

  16. B looks nice, but I'd go with the suggestion from Hayley to add a piece in the middle.

  17. I like B, but I think the line of pictures should be a few inches higher.

  18. I like B, but I would add something above to fill space and also create a kind of triangular grouping along with your couch.

  19. A! A! A! A!!! then filled out with the "pretties" on the sides, like you suggested.


  20. I lean towards A. Maybe you could hang them w/ more space b/t them so they would be a little more spread out.

    Can't wait to see what you decide.

  21. Definitely A as long as you add the plates to fill it out along the sides, like you said you were planning on. I like the way it draws the eye up.

  22. If it were me, I'd prefer A. But neither are bad!

  23. Now that I've thought about it, I like B, BUT I would hang the pictures higher up on the wall than you have them placed in the picture. {sorry Jen}, I would do B unless you're planning to put the plates on the wall beside A, then I would need to see it before I changed back to A. :)

  24. A, but only with the plates! You definitely need the height and width and the plates would add some interest. Either that or do 8 prints in two rows like the B option, but B with only the 4 prints looks empty. love the blog!

  25. Sorry to add on to my previous comment, but another option that would look GREAT would be to do the B option with taller frames, but the same width. That would look really amazing and it would emphasize the lines in your architecture prints.

  26. I like choice A, if you use plates or something else on either side. I think it'll look great!

  27. Hi,

    I read your blog a lot but never comment. Where did you get those tan pillows on your couch? They are exactly what I am looking for our den.

  28. I like your idea, A, but only if you add the plates to each side!
    Good luck!

  29. I like A, but with a little more space in between to add width.

  30. ya'll are just about as torn as we are! thanks for all of the great input.

    Brian -- the pillows on the sofa came from Pottery Barn, but it's been a few years since I bought them. You might check ebay, I see lots of new and discontinued PB items there.

  31. I think you should do option A + plates. Maybe leave a little more space between the pictures, too. I can't wait to see the finished product!

  32. I want an option C, I'd love to see 6 prints in frames, and do two rows of 3 prints each. This would be a great compromise to the height and width dilemma.

    From the two options you listed, I say option A with plates.

    Can't wait to see the finished result with frames and prints!

  33. I think A with the plates on each site will look great

  34. A!!! And I think it'll be beautiful with your plate additions for width. I think maybe when he sees them with the plates he'll see why vertical works better. (The horizontal smashes down the room)

    It's going to be so gorgeous and you need to poast afters ASAP!!! :)

  35. A. And then add in plates it will work so well.

  36. A! Definitely. But maybe spaced slightly further apart.

  37. Jen, thanks for stopping by. I agree with A, I think it needs height too & like you mentioned, adding some plates or something on either side would visually widen it too.

    I love those lamps!

  38. A + plates, like you mentioned in your post. :)

  39. Both could work (though not the answer you want).

    If you go with 'A' I would space them out a bit more and then add a vertical row of plates on either side.

    If you go with 'B', you could space them out a bit more and add a horizontal row on top and bottom of the prints.

    Hope that helps.

  40. I say A... so long as you hang something else on the sides to give it the width that it needs. Also, you might consider spreading them out a tiny bit more.

  41. I like B, but then again I'm not in the room to visualize that layout with the window. I do like A, which might look better in person and I like the idea of the plates on each side, because I definitely think you need the horizontal width.

    Can't wait to see the finished product after you decide!

  42. I like B. I think A makes it seem like there should be something else in the grouping. sort of looks like there's not enough there.

  43. I have to say B and spaced apart a tiny bit more. We just hung 3 ikea square frames this way across our couch and I love it. It gives it a cozy feel. Good luck!

  44. B is better although on odd number would be ideal, not enough visual weight to do it vertically, unless you frame in oversize frames.

  45. i like a with the addition of the plates, but b if plates don't make it in

  46. I love A with plates and B without them :) And keep these fun posts coming!

    XO - Katie

  47. For whatever it is worth I always heard you should group things in odd numbers.

  48. thanks for the great input, everyone! will reveal the results soon!

  49. What about group B with some sort of wooden architectural salvaged molding hanging above them? Just an idea that popped into my head. lol
    Good luck with the decision!

  50. From a design perspective, definitely A just add other things on the side. You want to do opposite the line of the sofa for sure. Good luck!
