Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 852: alternative office

For now, one of our three bedrooms is a dedicated office. But when that's no longer possible, I don't mind a bit pulling a chair up to a pretty little desk.

Or a lovely secretary.

But tell me, where is all of the "stuff?"

Photos: Decor Pad, Sara Gilbane, Rayman Boozer.


  1. This is my big debate- one day- do we do away with the office or the guest room? Our office has SO.MUCH.STUFF in it. There is no where else to put it!!!

  2. all our rooms are bedrooms so my sewing desk is in our bedroom. what is a girl to do? It's our only "extra" space we have.

  3. I just love the first photo you show! Aaand, in imitating a style like that one, you could organize your "stuff" with more baskets, or bamboo shelving units. :)

  4. Brooke -- I totally know what you mean! Wes uses the office closet as his AND his dresser is in that room. Not to mention the guest bedroom closet is FULL of out of season stuff, etc. Time to PURGE!

  5. I'm in the middle of sprucing up my office. It wasn't on my 'to do' list but these things never are. And good question - where is their stuff!? Maybe their stuff is over here with my stuff because I have lots! xoTrina

  6. Really.....where is all the stuff?!? My office will never look so good....but I can dream.

  7. check out suzie's office on decorpad- it's gorgeous and stuff free...she has shelving for baskets and went wireless (internet, printer, etc). i would imagine it requires some "maintenance" though.

  8. I love the first photo so much I took it and posted it on my blog. LOVE.

  9. love the inspiration. i would love to be "stuff-less" one day.

  10. I love the dark walls in the first office. I don't even think I would mind paying bills in there...

  11. Its stuffed in a closet somewhere haha. That first picture is great, I LOVE the walls :)

    Happy Halloween!

  12. coming to you via pancakes and frenchfries. We are moving next spring so I am pulling images to both finish our existing home and inspiration for our new house. I started "pulling" images off your site and after a while realised it was silly as I loved ALL of them so I have just bookmarked you and shall be returning often for lots more inspiration and eye candy . x

  13. Sara Gilbane is one of my very best friends (and was a maid of honor at my wedding) - love that you featured her vignette! Have fun in NYC.
