Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 886's celebration

Today, Michelle of My Notting Hill is hosting a virtual baby shower in honor of sweet Lauren of Pure Style Home. I knew instantly that I wanted to "give" Lauren the Prague Market Sling by Serena & Lily.

I know Lauren would love the beautiful embroidery, and I chose green -- her favorite, as seen in her beautiful living room. I can just picture Lauren chasing 2-year-old Christian around the room with baby-number-2 sleeping soundly in the sling. Congratulations, Lauren! And prayers and best wishes for safe delivery.


  1. Love the baby "sling" - would have loved that when mine were small!

  2. Thats totally her! Such a great gift.

  3. What a perfect pick for Lauren. I think every girl loves that sling from Serena and Lily.

    Thank you for your sweet comment. It's been a hard of days, but it's been so nice to know that so many people are thinking of me. It's truly appreciated.


  4. I love the baby sling AND the virtual baby shower. What a great idea!

  5. oh my gosh Jennifer- I want this so bad & it went right on my Chrstimas list!!! It's so beautiful!!

    Thank you so much for joining in the fun & thinking of me. You guys really are the best.


  6. That living room is so beautiful. And it looks like it was just put together with fabulous pieces randomly collected over time... how does that happen?! I am moving into a new apartment at the end of the month, and I literally couldn't fall asleep last night thinking about how I want to decorate and arrange the furnishings. It all seems so easy until it's your home, right?

    (love that sling also. it was just on gilt group for half off!)

