Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 891's surprise

We woke up to a fun little surprise on Saturday morning: a dusting of snow!

You people with real winters and real snow will probably scoff at this, but hey, this is the Deep South. We get excited about snow, in any amount.

Luckily, this one came without much warning, so there was none of the usual snow-hysteria and the grocery store shelves we not depleted of milk, eggs, and bread.

Of course, the sun was out by 10am, and it was pretty much gone by 11. I was glad I headed out a seven to at least snap a few pictures of what could very well be the only snow we see all season. (I love this tree. Too bad the power lines are in the way!)

But it sure was nice to have our French toast and (not very photogenic) breakfast casserole while feeling like it was actually winter.


  1. Yay for snow in the South! It's always a treat isn't it?Just beautiful!

  2. i love the picture with the berries! so beautiful! :)

  3. I can't believe I wasn't here for it!

  4. beautiful!!! we got some too & were so excited!!!

    um ok & I REALLY WANT YOUR CASSEROLE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! looks SOOOOO good!!!!

  5. It's so magical! It's harder for for me to see the magic however when we're up to our ears in it. But elsewhere, elsewhere it's quite beautiful. xoTrina

  6. I'd say thats a TON of snow for the deep south. I wish they would close down schools and work for this kind of snow up here. But now, it seriously has to be like 5 or more feet to cancel anything.

  7. It's ok if its not photogenic, it looks delicious!

  8. the snow was great this weekend, always so pretty :)

    love your plates! do mind me asking what brand they are and where you got them?!

  9. thanks, Bekah! they are 'Emma' from Pottery Barn.

  10. thanks so much! i even think my husband might be ok with these : )

  11. wow! you got so much snow {for the South}. we were visiting and only got some flurries in Chelsea.

  12. Such a pretty day! Snow is so much easier to enjoy when you don't get much of it. I needed three guys to help me get my car out of an ice-pile this morning. Not as much fun!
    Jen Selk Chic

  13. no fair! I want some snow in the south! Also, I have the same plates from PB :) great blog!
