Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 941: a question and a recipe

My mini daffodils have really grown and bloomed nicely. But we came home from a weekend away and they were all over the place. My paperwhites did the same thing in December, but they were easier to contain with a wood skewer and some raffia.

I wanted to try something I saw a florist do with paperwhites, so I stuck some sticks from the yard around the edge of the pot to hold them in. It's better, but still pretty wild. Any bulb-forcing experts out there? What am I doing wrong that's making them droop?

And now to completely switch gears, I want to share a super-easy and delicious recipe that my mom used to make. We had some crescent rolls with dinner last night (they're on sale this week) and I saved a couple for breakfast (they'll be fine refrigerated overnight wrapped in plastic wrap). Just brush them with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and chopped pecans, if you like.

Roll them up, brush the tops with a little more butter and bake at 350 degrees for fifteen minutes. Drizzle with milk-and-powdered-sugar icing and enjoy! Healthy? No. Easy and delicious? Definitely, yes!


  1. My bulbs do the same thing! I'm in a gardening club - I'll ask around. I can't wait to see if some expert posts something about this!

  2. They are looking for light! If you place them near a window they will not try so hard. :0)

  3. I'm not an expert, but I do know that you can keep your forced bulbs 1/3 shorter (and thereby not floppy) by watering with a mixture of alcohol and water. Any old thing will work - even booze! But I'm not advocating anything here! ;-)

    P.S. Will try to dig up a link for you!

  4. Pickling Your Paperwhites - LOL


  5. Jan and Nathan, thanks! I set them out on the porch for the afternoon, so maybe they'll perk up.

  6. Yum-O!!! I have cresent rolls in the fridge as we speak!

    As for the flowers, I have no clue. I wish I were more well rounded in that way.

  7. This sounds crazy, but pour a mixture of gin and water into the soil. It makes paperwhites stand grow straight.

  8. I'd agree with the light...plants go crazy when they can't find light. Also, you may try potting them in a larger pot. Long, dangly stems is a sign that they are root bound (roots have nowhere to go but around the pot) and thus have weaker foliage. I've tried this with some of my plants and it makes them happy! If you try this, make sure you "pull" the roots that have wrapped around the pot downward to encourage them to grow in the deeper soil. Hope that helps.


  9. oh my gosh- michael and i love crescent rolls with dinner. but they look even better for breakfast. definitely trying this soon!

    one of my favorites: roll them out and place some brie inside and drizzle with butter and brown sugar- close up into a pocket and bake until brown--- serve will green apple slices or wheat thins. the best appetizer!!!

  10. Don't you dare mix my Beefeater with water so your flowers don't drop.

  11. I am so glad yours are drooping too! I thought I was a bad flower mommy...let me know what works!

  12. I'll have to try the pickling trick. When your flowers are completely spent, don't throw them out. Plant them in your garden this spring after all danger of frost has passed and they might bloom again for you next spring! Mine did.

  13. I'm no help with flowers, I hope someone gives you an answer.

    Yum to those rolls, I could eat the whole batch right now.

  14. I seriously need to try that quick little breakfast recipe... like you said, may not be healthy, but man, do they sound tasty :)

  15. Just read your guest post, you did awesome!!! The dining room looks beautiful, you can totally hold your own over there:)

    Forget flowers....crescent rolls with cinnamon and pecans? OMG, I'm in heaven! I have to try this...it looks so good!!!! How do you make the powerdered sugar milk frosting, just mix the two together?

  16. yum! I might have to try them this weeked!

  17. Thanks for the recipe. It looks so yummy; I can't wait to try it! {sorry I can't help with the flowers. but I am happy to learn what everyone is saying}

  18. My bulbs do that all the time, the trick is to wrap cord around them, holding them up and tie it in a pretty bow. Lovely.

  19. Looks simple and delicious! Thanks for sharing.


  20. Mmm...that looks so tasty. We love lazy Saturday mornings with good coffee and cinnamon rolls. I should try this recipe this week!

  21. those look amazing - i'm totally bookmarking this for a sugar-fix later.
