Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 947: week in pictures

Four weeks below 35 degrees (rare for central Alabama) followed by one week above 60 and a few days of rain and the early spring flowers are already starting to come out. This Forsythia is just getting started in the parking deck at work. I really enjoy checking its progress each morning.

The weekend started out cold and dreary, so what's a girl to do but stay inside and bake something? I've been craving bread pudding (I don't know what's with my obsession with lowcountry fare these days) and had a stack of recipes to try. I went with this one because I thought I could improvise it a tad and use the Challah bread with raisins that I already had. Totally hit the spot. At Wes' request I'll try a chocolate version next.

Based on my pictures you probably think that Maddie is calm and serene. While she can be, she definitely has a wild streak, too. Like this morning when she nipped at my ankles all the way to the back door to let her out. It's just that she's so much easier to photograph when she's calm and serene! Or sleeping.

The purple tulips opened up nicely. And of course grew about two inches in the process. Tulips are crazy like that.

I was just messing around one morning and rather liked the way this bowl looked on top of our entertainment center. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy a simple still life?


  1. I love your photography. More please. And a bread pudding recipe!

  2. that bread pudding looks amazing!!!

  3. I think I need to get myself some tulips. I could just soak up that photo of your purple tulips.

  4. I always love seeing pics of you puppy, so cute!

  5. The last picture with the bowl just looks so calming and peaceful. I also love how you caught your doggie in a rare moment :-)

  6. That bread pudding--- oh my gosh. Michael and I had dinner at Chez Fon Fon on Saturday night and he asked if I wanted dessert- and I said- not if they don't have bread pudding. Which they didn't. I might have to make some this week. It's one of my favorites!!

  7. Our Forsythia is budding like crazy here in England and I am now willing it even more to look like this!
    Love your tulip photo, I took mine on my blog for my 'floral friday' post at just the same angle. They look so dainty inside don't they?

  8. I love your blog! I love your style, and it's similar to what I love. I'd love for you to check out my kitchen reveal. It's farmhouse country with a touch of swedish:

  9. Mmm, chocolate bread pudding. I'm so jealous - I won't have forsynthia or tulip blooms for another 3 months! Ah, life in Upstate New York.

  10. The bread pudding looks YUMMY! hmmmm, may just have to make my own.
