Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 962's week in pictures

An early and very unexpected birthday present from Wes.

Afternoon walk in the snow.

A very dirty but very happy pup after a romp in the very muddy dog park. It's a good thing I keep a "dog blanket" in my car.

Fun little painting project!


  1. tell us more about the unexpected gift and the painting project!!

  2. Love the fabric and I am dying to know what you are working on!

  3. O what teasers!! I love the after walking in the snow pic!

  4. ohhh, whats the present from Wes???

  5. Love pics of the dog- esp after a good time in the yard/park.

    What did Wes get you?

  6. OK this has nothing to do with design, but my dog looks just like yours. I was told she was a mutt. I'm convinced she's full collie, Is your dog a collie?


  7. Carlina -- can't say for sure because she came from the humane society. they called her a Australian Shepherd-Border Collie mix. we'd like to have her DNA tested, but yeah, we're pretty sure she's mostly BC based on behavior!
