Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 983's sign of Spring

I promise I'm not trying to brag to those of you still in winter, but the daffodils are blooming here in central Alabama. They are the first real sign that Spring is on its way in (though we had our only measurable snow while they were in bloom last year).

These guys are blooming around my office, which reminds me, I need to start taking lunch out on the patio before the temps get unbearably warm!

If daisies are the friendliest flower (name that movie!), don't you think daffodils are the happiest?

This has me wishing I'd planted about eight bajillion of them. Maybe next year.

Our own daffodils are little behind. I was starting to get worried, as they came to our house in an unusual way: my dad dug them out of a hillside on his Tennessee farm and I separated them and planted them last spring. But they seem to be doing fine, and I can't wait until they bloom.


  1. Is the movie Alice in Wonderland??

    I wish I had a moment to capture Addison's picture with the flowers this weekend - she is too busy playing these days.

  2. You've Got Mail! One of my all time favorite movies. The flowers are lovely. Isn't it nice to have some spring weather on the horizon? I really enjoy your blog Jennifer!

  3. Soooo pretty! And I love You've Got Mail as well!! "I love New York in the fall."

  4. yes, you've got mail! daisies are the friendliest flower, and i love bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils.

  5. Love daffodils. I saw a cluster of them yesterday in the back corner of my yard (where we never go) so I may head out there today and bring some in to brighten things up!

  6. Yes! You've Got Mail. Those are great quotes too, Kate and raysongrrl.

  7. You've Got Mail - Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks and I agree! Daisies are the friendliest flower with the daffodil being the happiest!

  8. Check out my daffodil poem post. It is how I named my blog. You will like the story behind the name.


    They are opening up here in Texas too!

  9. Yay, "You've Got Mail!" love that movie. Have you seen "The Shop Around the Corner" with Jimmy Stewart? That's the original version, and I highly recommend it. I watch it every Christmas.

  10. YOU'VE GOT MAIL!!! I watch it every time it's on tv. :-)

    The daffodils in our yard are blooming, too. (I think that you and I live in the same town.)

    Yay that spring is almost here--our winter has been brutal!

  11. I love daffodils too - we have a pot of them in our dining room right now. I also love You've Got Mail.

  12. Please send Spring my way when you're through with it!!!!

  13. I look like a moron for not knowing...ha! You can tell what movie I wanted to see (but didn't get to) this weekend.
