Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 991: bedroom makeover inspiration

I mentioned a few weeks ago that my bedroom was in need (and by need I mean want) of a makeover. I'm happy to say that it's underway -- inexpensively, of course -- but the room's layout still has me perplexed in terms of furniture layout, what to do with the windows, and what I can put on the floor. Those are the main problems, but it also needs a little more personality and direction and I'm slowly making progress on those. While I (attempt to) sort all that out, here are a few bedrooms that are inspiring me, for one reason or another.

If you could change one thing about your bedroom, what would it be?

Photos: Elizabeth Martin, Grace Happens, Elle Decor, Schuyler Samperton, unknown source via Little Green Notebook, Phoebe Howard, Mallory Mathison via StyleCourt, Donna Griffith for Style At Home (still not tired of that one!), and unknown via LGN.


  1. I would change the placement of the windows so I could center the bed between them. Can't wait to see your finished product.

  2. I would change the size - we've barely got enough room for a queen-size bed! Love the cool blues and greys in these images!

  3. I'm doing the same thing - my bedroom also needs some personality and direction so it looks a little more "finished." I also need new night stands and lamps - that'd probably be the biggest thing to change. Good luck with yours!

  4. If these images are any indication of what's to come, you've got a great start. They are all beautiful! If I could change one thing it would be the size of the windows. I have those 80's style windows that are long and narrow.

  5. All those bedrooms are so you! I love all these inspiration photos.

    If I could change one thing about my bedroom if would be the placement of the darn heater. Its right under one of the windows which is making it super hard to put curtains up. I wish I could move it everyday.

  6. I love the look an upholstered headboard gives a room. I’m wanting to put one in a guestroom.

  7. I have almost all of these photos in my 'yes please' file. Super lovely! If there was one thing I would change about my bedroom it would be the evil peach carpet that is in there now. Nothing is worse than early 90's peach carpet.

  8. Always loved the first photo - I'm using it as an inspiration for my bedroom too!

    Allison - You can disguise the shape of your long narrow windows by hanging curtains higher and/or wider than the frame.

  9. My favorite is the next to last image. I just love it.

    If I could change one thing in my bedroom? Prob the 100 year old furniture that has 17 thousand coats of paint on it... and now the drawers won't close!

  10. I would change too much to list! I love all your inspiration photos!

  11. I love the ideas so far! If I could change one thing it would be my dressers! Right now they are all mis matched from what we had before we got married. I'd love for everything to match.

  12. Found your blog a few weeks ago, loving all of your ideas!
    We just (9 months!) moved and our room only has a bed :) So thanks for the inspiration, the first one is my favorite.

  13. If I could change one thing, it would be finished!


  14. I am in desperate need of some nightstands. Moved ours down to the dining room. Might be easier to move them back up :) marija

  15. We have 2 teenagers and didn't want computers in their bedrooms, but the only other place that would work for the computers was - you guessed it - our bedroom. So my wish would be that the computers (and there are sometimes 3 computers in there at a time - it's our own IT department) be gone. Mind you when they are, it will mean the kids have gone as well - so it is a double-edged wish. Great inspiration photos, by the way.

  16. All very beautiful. Love the light and airy feeling these share

  17. These are all gorgeous! I cant wait to see what you do! Great inspiration pics!

  18. Love your inspiration photos - if I could I would change the orientation of my room so that it faced the morning sunrise. We don't need curtains here and I loved this about my last room - sun spilling over the bed and waking up with the light. Good luck with your decisions!

  19. I am going through the same thing in my bedroom. I have been seeing so many great spaces lately that what once was passable is now looking so sad - and bedrooms should be a place you love, since they really are just for you. Thanks for the inspiration - I needed it!

  20. We are renting now so I cant change much. Our bedroom set is dark wood and we are currently using a Chocolate brown and light blue bedding. It looks really nice in the winter but I'm craving a white bed set for the summer. Can't wait to see yours.

  21. thank you so much for including my bedroom in your inspiration pics!! what a thrill:) our entire house was a challenge because it is very open and has a lot of windows. it was hard to find a wall to put furniture against etc. i know just how perplexed you must feel. i can't wait to see your makeover. i know it will look amazing!

  22. Last month, my parents surprised me with my new room. The old attic is now my bedroom. It is awesome! The bed is very comfortable, I'm having a hard time getting up in the morning. They even changed the flooring to a hardwood (Tampa) and I can say that it is a great enhancement to my room. I was searching for nice-looking curtains online when I came across your blog. I admire the white drapes hanging near the two bird photos on the wall. They will be great hanging on my bedside window. Thanks for sharing these inspiring bedroom designs!
