Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Week in Pictures (So Far)

I kind of fell off the week-in-pictures wagon this month. Now that the weather is clearing up, I'm feeling inspired to pick up my camera again, and just in time for the blooming of the cherry trees! I look forward to this all year, they are just so beautiful.

This forsythia is completely covered in blooms. It must like the full sun it gets, because there are flowers on top of flowers on it. I walked past it the other day on an evening walk and with the sinking sun behind it, it looked like the burning bush! So naturally, I came back with my camera the next evening. Our neighbors probably think I'm a loon.

There is a faint dusting of light green over the trees as they begin to leaf. I'm sure a pollen burst is soon to follow, but, for now, it's exciting. The spring fever in the air is palpable.

Wes made some great progress on our deck over the weekend. It needs stairs on one side and a railing, but we've already been using it. I actually kind of like it sans a railing, as it is easier to toss Maddie's ball into the yard for her to chase.

Which she really likes, as you can see.

Oh, and that cherry tree? What can I say? This little branch wanted to come home with me! Whoops!


  1. Perfect Spring post! There are blooms all over the Highlands. I love it! Hopefully the pollen will stay away a little longer.

  2. Your photos are beautiful! I've been wishing for spring on this side of the pond. I don't think I'm wishing hard enough because there's a chance of snow in the next few days!

  3. Such beautiful pictures! It's so exciting to see things waking up! I just love this time of year. And congratulations on your new deck patio! Wow, that's huge progress. It took us all of last summer to build our patio - I believe I was thinking it was going to take a couple of weekends. A bit off on that one. ; ) Trina

  4. The cherry tree branch is beautiful!


  5. What beautiful photos!! I love all the flowers you have blooming around your house and I think the cherry tree DID want to come home with you because it looks perfect there!

  6. Love your photos... and am so thankful for springtime!

  7. what amazing pics, thanks so much for sharing... keep it up!

  8. ive got a HUGE cherry tree in my back yard. come steal as many branches as you want!

  9. Streich - is that you?? Don't tempt me!

  10. So pretty. Can't wait for spring to come a little further north.
