Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 1007's pretties

Thanks to Sara and Joan for introducing me to the owner of the kitchen I was obsessing over yesterday! Janet of The Gardener's Cottage has a simple, beautiful home that is a great example of a well-edited space. She was recently challenged to get rid of 100 items in her home, and is now surrounded only by the things she truly loves and is inspired by. Have a look ... and then go visit Janet!

A black-painted cabinet, lantern, and portrait -- things I love!

Happy Weekend!


  1. From what you've shown of your house....this could be it. So seriously, when are you moving in??

  2. I only knew it was Janet's because I have every picture of her house saved! I love her home and her style - you cannot go wrong if you use it as inspiration.

    Happy Easter!
    Sarah :)

  3. This is a beautiful and well edited space. Thank you for sharing it:)

  4. What a beautiful home. I appreciate how real it feels when I look at the pictures. Great find!

  5. Such a beautiful home. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  6. How cool that you got to see the whole house!! What a treat!! Clutter free....a dream of mine.

  7. Hi Jennifer,

    I just got home from work and see my house on your blog! How exciting. I don't know how to convey to you just how flattered I am that you like my little place. I went through your blog a bit last night and see we have some common loves...clutter-free interiors, black cabinets, white kitchens, plaid blankets, family portraits to name a few. I love the pics I found of your home too. Thank you again you are too sweet!


  8. Yes Janet's cottage is such an inspiration and an absolute favourite of mine (and her blog) - she has now directed me to yours which I know I will enjoy too! Happy Easter...

  9. love the open shelving. do you know the manufacturer or was it built?


  10. I love it. And maybe I should start with getting rid of 25 or 50... I may consider that!

  11. Just found your blog and can't wait till I have more time to explore older postings.

  12. Seriously pretty everywhere. I'm esp. attracted to the bead board behind the open cupboard. I've been loving bead board lately.

  13. i just discovered your it! your kitchen is my DREAM COME TRUE! and our living room is almost identical to yours! my name is kate, and my husband and i will be celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary this summer...we too are raising a fam of animals...our puppy henry and 2 cats! anyway, i wanted to say hello, and introduce myself! you may enjoy my little blog,, please feel free to drop me a note anytime, i would love say hello! i am looking where to become a follower of your blog....would love to stay up to date! kindly, kate

  14. Such a beautiful home- love that kitchen too!
