Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The nice folks at FrogTape have a package for one lucky reader! I gave it a try in February when I painted windows and was very pleased. I'll be calling on its paint block technology again soon to help me paint the crown in our bedroom -- should be fun!

If you'd like a few rolls of your own (and a few fun goodies!) leave one comment on this post by Friday, April 23, 2010 at midnight Central Time telling us what you would do with it. One winner will be chosen at random. Good luck!


  1. Hi, we're moving to a new house and will need to do a lot of painting. All the walls are white! Would love to try some FrogTape as I've heard so many great things about it.

  2. We are fixing to repaint every last wall in the house. this would sooooo come in handy. Honestly I've never heard of Frogtape. Please enter me :)

    -brightest blessings-

  3. Hi from Kansas from one newlywed to another! My husband and I just moved into our first hour last summer and are getting around to redoing some not-so-up-to-date rooms. :) We will be tackling the living room next and some tape would be wonderful- thanks for doing this!

  4. We have trim in the dining room that desperately needs to be finished by painting. I would most definitely use it to protect my walls and flooring from the wild paintbrush.

  5. I've used Frog Tape before, and it is great! I'm going to be painting some crown soon, so I could definitely use a few rolls!

  6. Looks great! My place could definitely use a paint job!!

  7. I ahve always used the standard blue tape and woudl love to give this a try. I have lots of painting projects lined up including a set of dining room chairs.

  8. Ooooh - I've been hearing about this for quite some time! Maybe scoring a roll would motivate me to finally get that bathroom trim painted!

  9. Recently, we used the blue painters tape and it didn't do so well. I mentioned this tape to my hubs and then, BAM! You are offering a giveaway! It was meant to be :-)

  10. I have searched for this tape and cant find it! Even Home Depot ... No Luck. We are renovating an old farm house and I would love to try the frog tape. PS ... love your blog!

  11. I have heard that Frog Tape is amazing and I would love to try it out in our hallway- I want to paint stripes all the way down it! Would be a great project to try it out on.

  12. I would love some of this to use to make horizontal stripes in my new bathroom!

  13. Ohhh, Frog Tape. How do I love thee? I would not use anything else and could use a spare roll or two around the house!

  14. We just added on a sunroom and garage. We just finished installing tongue-and-groove beadboard in the sunroom and it is ready to paint!

  15. Oh super! I'm painting our den a chocolate brown next week,and I would LOVE to try this tape!

  16. Our master bedroom! We painted it with some tinted primer, loved it. Put real paint up, hated it. Loathe it. It is now time to put up different paint, and I've been reading about this tape!

    btw, love the blog

  17. We bought a house in January that has wood floors on the second story. However, they aren't in the best of shape and so I want to paint them. I am thinking of painting a pattern on each one as well so the frog tape would come in most handy! Please enter me in the drawing.

  18. Someone (ahem, my husband) left a few painting projects half done, so these would be used to get the den looking fabulous again :)

  19. We're moving in less than a month and this will come in handy. I love your blog! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  20. We're moving next month, and I have lots of painting to do.

    Thanks for the give-a-way!

  21. We are in the process of repainting all the trim in our house right now (fun, right?). This would be a lot of help! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  22. I'd love to use it to repaint the window trim in my new house.

  23. OOOOHHH!! PICK ME! PICK ME! Remember...

    1. You actually know me, and
    2. We're going to start painting Adam's house SOON.

    We totally need this! :)

  24. Repaint my entire house... I am having some major color regret. Shhh...dont tell my husband. I havent broken the news yet. :)

  25. I need to repaint our master bedroom and this would be the perfect little helper!

  26. I'd paint under the chair rails in my dining room - I'm thinking navy blue!

  27. Ah, ha! This would be excellent timing as we are in the midst of a master bedroom re-do.

    Love your blog!

  28. I've been wanting to try this. We're going to be painting our nursery in the next few weeks so this would be perfect!

  29. I guess I'm the only one on the planet that has never heard of Frog Tape... WOW! I think this might come in handy with my kitchen painting projects!

  30. This would be great. I've wanted to try this tape for awhile! It would really come in handy when we paint our nursery in the next month!

  31. Hey, Jennifer! Great giveaway, thanks! I've heard wonders about this stuff. We've got a nursery to excited:)

  32. Yes please...we so need some good tape.

  33. Ooh, I've been wanting to try this! Thanks!

  34. Ooh good giveaway! We've got LOTS of painting to do at our little to-be-renovated house, and this would help so much!

  35. I would love to win some frog tape so I can finally paint stripes in my bathroom!

  36. Awesome giveaway! I've been looking for Frog Tape locally and cannot find it anywhere :(
    We are planning on re-painting our living room/dining room VERY soon. This would come in SO handy!

  37. Great giveaway! Hmm, what wouldn't I use Frog Tape for? I love that stuff! We still have 1/2 our house to paint, so that's what I would use it for. That stuff is awesome!

  38. Ooh! Thanks for the giveaway! I've been wanting to tape off a pattern on the top of my desk to add some interest for a while now, and this would be the perfect tape to use.

  39. I've heard great things about this tape - what a fun giveaway! I have a desk to detail and will definitely need some help with the lines. Thanks! :)

  40. Oh I needed this last week, I have heard great things!

  41. Lots of rooms to paint, which are still the current colors from when we moved in 3 years ago! This tape would come in handy!


  42. How perfect! My roommate closes on her new house this afternoon - there is a LOT of painting in my future.

  43. Our new house is just screaming out to us to paint its walls and this would help us get in gear and do it!

  44. I had to replace my back door after someone kicked it in to rob my house. Now I have a door to paint that has glass panes in it. Some Frog Tape would be a big help!

  45. We're moving into a new house in 3 weeks and we'll be painting EVERY room! Crown Molding is going up and tone on tone stripes are being painted in the entryway. We really need some Frog Tape!!

  46. Oh, I have so much to paint this summer in our old house! Doors, trim, the entire staircase, windows....I would put Frog Tape to the test!

  47. Ooooh...we're getting ready to list our condo (eek!) and have a lot of space to paint, this would be great to use!

  48. painting is definitley on the agenda this summer!

  49. Yes, please. I could always put this to good use.

  50. My sister is pregnant with her first baby and I would definetly use it to paint the baby room, along with many other dream projects you bloggers inspire me to do. thanks for the giveaway.

  51. I have a frame around an vanity mirror that could use some attention. Pick ME!

  52. Been itching to repaint my closet - this would help keep paint off all the electricals!!

  53. I have just picked out some paint to paint our master bedroom! This will be the first room in my house I've tackled since we moved in a year ago! The frog tape would come in handy around all the crazy corners the high ceilings present!

  54. The frog tape would come in handy when I try to tackle my new chalk board paint project.

    Would love to win!!

  55. Paint my hallway- and alllll the doorways!

  56. I'm about to get married and move into a new place, and I DESPISE "builder beige". I know we will be painting ATLEAST one room so that we don't feel we are living in the hospital, and this would help so much!

  57. would love to try some on my walls

    radiyas at gmail dot com

  58. I'm moving into my house in two weeks and the first thing to do - paint! Frog tape would be WONDERFUL!

  59. Tons of trim work to be stained & painted in the new kitchen-this would be great. Especially since I bought a roll & my kids lost it! Grrr!

  60. I've heard great things about this tape, but have never tried it!

  61. It seems my entire house is under construction right now, and painting is next on the list! I've never tried Frogtape before, what a fun giveaway!

  62. I actually bought some of this stuff, but I gave it to a neighbor for her painting project. I want some more Frog Tape! :)

    I would use it to protect my floors and walls while painting my baseboards,

  63. We just finished the renovation of our master bathroom and are almost ready to paint, this would come in VERY handy! What perfect timing! Great blog and great giveaway! *Amy

  64. thanks for chiming in on the camera discussion! And Yes, I'd love to try this green tape. Have heard great things about it.

  65. We close on our house on Tuesday and I see lots of painting (including taping) in our futures!

  66. My bathroom is in serious need of a paint job! I would love to do horizontal stripes, and this would be the perfect little helper!

  67. I NEED to win! My husband I just bought a house and have some major painting projects ahead of us!

  68. I was just reading about the merits of frog tape! In fact, it's on my shopping list for our upcoming stair remodel.

  69. I have so many things in house that need to be painted, it's hard to pick one. I think I would start with trim in the guest room.

  70. I just bought my first house and I am planning on painting everything. I'd love to have some frog tape to help!

  71. Looks exciting! I'm inspired to paint much. I think I will go with a blue and brown theme for the bathroom--that shall be my next project : )

  72. My husband and I are decorating our first baby's nursery and that Frog tape would certainly help us paint the stripes!

  73. Oh, I have 1900sq. ft x 10ft. ceilings that all needs painting. I could definitely use it. :)

  74. Believe it or not, I actually STILL have yet to try this stuff... So pick me!


  75. I'd use it to tape around the edges of frames that I want to paint.

  76. What wouldn't I do with this tape. How about using it to do a cool trim in my little girls' bedroom. I can almost imagine it.

  77. I too will be painting my bedroom soon and needing some serious help from the frog tape!

  78. I would use it to paint some stripes in my bathroom! I would love to try it out!

  79. This tape is the ONLY ONE to ever use. It has changed my life. No pulls, no touch ups - just easy on and off. It's the absolute best.

  80. Oh I have so many ways I could put Frog Tape to use- my Master Bath hasn't been painted (almost 3 years overdue), and I'd like to do a stripe treatment to some furniture too...the Frog Tape would be a phenomenal tool!

  81. We really need to repaint our bathroom that we never got around to putting the second coat on three years ago. Frog tape would be perfect for that.

  82. We're redoing our laundry room and will be painting... so this could come in handy real soon!

  83. I've been wanting to try this frog tape. I am sick of the blue tape!

  84. I've heard such good things about this tape and would love to try it out!

  85. We're moving into our first house in, gasp, five days! Some Frog Tape could really help us out. Thanks!

  86. I have heard about this tape! When we painted I could not find it! Now we have super uneven lines on or around our ceilings! I would love to try it when I fix our horrible taping fiasco!

  87. Building a house and have zillions of painting projects on the to-do list! Would love to give Frog Tape a try.

  88. oh - i need all the help i can get when painting! would love to win this so i can tackled my master!

  89. Just bought our forever house and need to paint every room. But, I'm planning to do a subtle checkerboard tone on tone in the sun room. This tape would be a great help. Thank you!

  90. I need to do some major sprucing up around here. My ds will be leaving for college in the fall and I want to repaint and clean it up while he is gone. I love your blog and I am so looking forward to seeing your deck all finished,


  91. I would love to try Frog Tape. We are repainting most of the interior of the house. The trim and plantation shutters are the hardest!!! Hope I win!

  92. This is such a great opportunity! I run a non profit organization focusing on downtown revitalization. In May we are celebrating Historic Preservation Month along with The National Trust for Historic Preservation with the theme "Old is the New Green," One of the activities we are hosting during May is an Upper Floor Tour, showcasing the potential of your historic assests in all different phase of rehab...some not touched since the 20's! So here is were the tape comes into play. We have partnered with our elementary school to have the 1st graders draw on paper what downtown is to them. The drawings will be displayed in the Upper Floors on the tour. We would like to use FrogTape to tack them up for temporary display, utilizing the "green" color to represent the theme. Since we are a non profit we are trying to do this on the cheap. I saw this post and thought what the heck, I got nothing to lose.

  93. I would love to paint my living room - with stripes!!

  94. My husband and I have purchased our first house- we could def use the tape to help us out on the painting.

  95. I would finish painting the house before my wife has our first baby! That way we could be done remodeling and just enjoy the baby together without me trying to also continue remodeling with a new baby in the house!

    Even with the frog tape, I still like running a small bead of caulk on the edge of the tape to get those perfect lines.

  96. I'm thinking of trying to paint large stripes on the bathroom walls...this tape could come in very handy!
