Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 1063's pretty

The gardenia is blooming all over the grounds of my office building and the scent is intoxicating! I haven't plucked any yet, but that is on my list of things to do very soon!

Happy {long} Weekend!

Photo: Jacob Termansen Photography.


  1. I can smell them now.

    Just brought some magnolias in from my yard and my kitchen smells great.

    Have a great long weekend!

  2. Gorgeous photo! I can just smell them! How lucky to have them blooming all over!
    I carried a simple bouquet of gardenias when we married! They always make me smile!
    Happy Weekend to you & Wes!

  3. I can practically smell the bloom of that pretty picture...something so sweet and innocent about a gardenia. Enjoy your long weekend!

  4. I love the little mint Julep cup! I just bought five and I'm waiting for them to age a bit!

  5. I just plucked 3 blooms off my bush! I set them in low glass bowls (one for each) to display on the counter. So pretty and they smell delicious!


  6. you are so lucky to have them grow naturally around you!! They dont grow up here in New England and they are so hard to keep alive indoors (at least for me) but I would LOVE to have them all over my home, the smell is my favorite.

    I hope you got to sneak a few blooms to take home before they all go away.
