Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May Backyard Progress

In addition to our deck, we've been sprucing up a little spot of the backyard. Our house only opens to the yard from the kitchen into the carport, so we moved the fence and gate into the carport (from the edge of the concrete you see here). It seemed a little strange at first, but there is still plenty of room to maneuver around a car, and it's nice to be able to leave the back door open when we are in and out without fear that Maddie will escape.

We also planted a little sod, moved three hydrangea to the inside of the fence (and added a fourth) and planted a few hosta. This part of the yard gets basically no sun, which is nice when sitting on the deck, but makes flower-planting challenging.

Still left to do here: add some stepping stones to the deck and the stairs that lead down into the yard, plant a few more shade-friendly plants (impatiens and ferns), and replace the top of the cinder-block wall with more attractive brick (which we dug out of various places in the yard). Oh, and finish the deck railing, but I'm still in no hurry for that.

I had lofty dreams of a small garden, but we really don't get enough sun for that (boo!). But my little herb garden -- planted in a galvanized tub we drilled holes in and placed in the sun in the middle of the deck -- is doing beautifully! I think it's about time to eat some basil.

They hydrangeas seem to like their new spot, as the fence shades them from the hot afternoon sun. They don't have quite as many buds as I'd hoped -- perhaps they need a good feeding?

The new set-up with the fence makes outdoor-dog washing a breeze! My bathroom drain and I are very thankful, as this girl is one hairy beast. I think I might have to get over my vanity and shave her this summer! Eeek.

For a dog who loves to swim, she sure does hate getting a bath. Here she is expressing her displeasure at being photographed instead of toweled off, brought inside, and given a treat for decent bathtime behavior.


  1. I love that you planted hosta and hydrangea! Will Maddie not eat those? I'm pretty sure Ray would. Dogs!

  2. I love your area. Hosta and hydrangea are two of my favorite plants. Your herbs look great. The more you cut off of your basil, the more it will grow. Carla

  3. Love hydrangeas! Backyard is looking good

  4. Her "hair " keeps her cool in the summer ... sort of their thermal covering that works at warming in winter/cooling in summer.
    If you shave a dog in summer, they just suffer from the heat more.
    Therefore, it is your job to do the suffering with "hair" :)

    I have a Standard Poodle.. they have Hair .. all (most) other dogs have fur.. which they need for temperature control.

    Meanwhile, your back yard is so green ! A shade garden can be fun, there are so many books on shade gardens. Enjoy !

  5. Jennifer- it all looks so great. Love the herbs... and the hydrangeas. And you know I always love photos of Maddie!

  6. I have to second The Broad's statements. Dogs with double coats like that need their fur to keep their temperature regulated in the summer as well as the winter. To keep her cool, make sure you are brushing her often to remove all the dead hair that may cling to her coat. Please don't shave her!

    Love what you've done with the yard. Our hydrangea has gone crazy this year and is about ready to flower.

  7. I love the herb garden, what a great idea! Your yard is so lush :)

  8. It looks great! Love hydrangeas.

  9. I'm so glad to have found your blog. I love the potted herbs. Yum!

  10. I have an almost identical herb garden...and the basil is delicious!

  11. The yard looks wonderful - I love your fence, too.

  12. For privacy, fast growth and shade happy- you can put some bamboo somewhere too .. they become wonderful "walls" for privacy and only require some water ..
    I had one when we lived in an apartment in Portland Oregon. I have it to a friend when we left the country. She said that it lives on a shady deck with plenty of water ( it is Oregon) and that it has flowers ! on it. Who knew bamboos flowered ?
    Anyway- shade and it seems you can't kill them.. :)

  13. I'm also commenting on the possibility of shaving the dog. It's a very, very bad idea. It's bad for the dog, it doesn't actually keep them any cooler and it exposes their sensitive skin to cancerous UV rays. Very dangerous. Don't do it!

  14. Don't fret, dog lovers! I've consulted a vet about shaving Maddie (aka my Dad). She wouldn't be shaven to the skin and with the degree of heat and humidity and our summer lifestyle he doesn't believe it will be dangerous for her. I wouldn't have considered it if it were.

  15. Who doesn't love a wet dog?!

    By the way, we shave one of our dogs and put SPF on her, and I'm happy to report that she's happy as a clam.


  16. Jennifer: We shaved our beloved Bingo in the summer from the age of 2 until the her last summer at the ripe old age of 19. She passed that winter.........she was a very happy and healthy dog......still missed..I say go for it...Ellen R
