Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Simple and Beautiful (and smells nice, too)

I picked up a bunch (okay fine, two bunches) of peonies at Whole Foods last week and have so enjoyed them! They smell divine and look better as the frilly flowers fade. Makes me wonder why exactly I haven't planted any of my own.

I also snipped a Magnolia bud from a nearby tree. I knew it wouldn't last long, so I got it before it opened on Friday (it was brown by Monday morning -- they also shed like crazy, as you can see). The soft white petals and waxy green leaves are impossible for me to resist!

Southern Magnolias are one of my favorite blooms and they also smell woooooonderful. The sweet scent instantly reminds me of my childhood and the hours upon hours my sisters and I spent climbing the huge trees in front of my dad's office after school.


  1. The magnolia vignette is gorgeous. Love the gold interiors of your brown lamp shades. Your house looks great.

  2. OH! Lovely lovely LOVELY.

    Great choices.


  3. Jenn - where did you get the lamps in your dining room? Love them!

  4. I absolutely adore the color of the sideboard in your dining room - always have!

  5. Your magnolia clipping is beautiful! I'm loving all the "free" flowers this time of year

  6. Jennifer, I posted about peonies today too!! I also wondered why I haven't planted any but it is probably because I have a black thumb.

  7. My Mom has a huge peonie garden and when I went home last weekend she gave me a bunch. They have made me so happy every time I walk in the kitchen.

  8. I love magnolias and peonies, too. One day I hope to have an entire garden & forest of them. At least one can dream....


  9. I love peonies!! Magnolias are one of my faves too. You're, they are great for climbing. Our boys have spent countless hours climbing the one in our backyard.

  10. How gorgeous! looks like you mixed up your sideboard a bit I love it. where did you find the lamps and shades? gorgeous. I do have a peony bush. it's the third year it hasn't bloomed, so sad.

  11. SM and Paula -- the lamps came from Tricia's Treasures (Wes gave them to me for my birthday a couple of years ago). I've just not gotten proper shades for them (from Three Sheets) but I still think I need shorter harps. hmmm.

    also, Paula, a friend of mine didn't get blooms on her peonies until year 4, so hang in there!

  12. Love the way magnolias look and smell but absolutely detest having a tree in my front yard. It sheds all summer long... not fun when you work all day in the yard and then it looks like nothing was accomplished.

    May have to pick up some peonies for myself!

  13. I love the peonies. I have some on my kitchen table right now. You must try growing them. They are very easy! Carla

  14. Is that a vintage early 20th century cookbook I see under those peonies? ;)

  15. peonies are my favorite! i love the way you decorate

  16. Peonies are my very favorite flower too. Not sure where you live but they only bloom places that get snow in the winter. The roots need ice or snow during the winter. Also, ants actually open the blooms so there will be lots of ants come May.

    In spite of that, I love having them in my garden when I lived in VA.

  17. That is a gorgeous shot of that magnolia! I want to paint it :)

  18. 3 Peanuts -- I thought the same thing, but I have seen them blooming in my neighborhood (central Alabama) so they apparently will do fine here.
