Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Entry Envy

Our little house has major entry issues. Mainly, the lack of one. The front door opens into the living room, the back door opens into the kitchen, and neither space has the spot for the "command center" we could really use. Just a place to hide dirty work boots and pile of mail would be an improvement! In my mind, these three ladies and their functional and cute entries have it made.

Julie of Milk and Honey Home is new to the blogosphere (thanks for the introduction, Sissy), but her blog is fast becoming one of my favorites. Her home is decorated in such a personal and fun way, it's hard not to love it. The cheerful green door (Georgian Green by Benjamin Moore) and beautiful wallpaper (from Home Depot!) give it personality but I'm thinking that those baskets under the console could hide a multitude of sins. And of course, the lighting and mirror are fabulous as well.

Paula from Two Ellie shared her updated entry earlier today, and again I was struck by how functional and attractive it is. Even a total pile looks great in a cute metal basket!

And Seleta's foyer really takes the cake. I can only imagine the amount of stuff that a busy household with four kiddos generates, but it looks like she's got it under control. She had her cabinet-maker put together the shelf and bench when he did her kitchen, and the hanging files came from the Ballard Designs outlet. You can find more of the sources for the smaller items on her blog.

So thanks, ladies! You have inspired me to come up with something to do about our mail-and-shoe mess.


  1. Beautiful entry ways. I am with you. I have entry envy, because we have an almost non-existent entry. It does not enter straight into the LR, but that is only because it is separated by a pony wall. Anyways. Thanks for sharing these beauties.

  2. Love all of these. I don't have a real entry either--- but might could work something next to my front door!

  3. Love all three entries..I need to do some work on mine as well!!

  4. I love that front foyer, definitely need that organization :)

  5. I am envying right along with you. I once bought a table for our tiny entry, it was so in the way :) Maybe one day!

  6. I love Seletas, just gorgeous. And, I agree that the metal basket is brilliant. I love when piles look nice, cause I'm great at making piles. ;)

  7. thank you, Jennifer....I am so flattered! Am honored to be mentioned on such an awesome blog

  8. We live in a tiny English house with an equally tiny entryway, so I can appreciate a bit of entryway envy:) All three of the entryways are lovely and I'll be storing them in my 'entryway' file (yes, I actually have an file for entryways!) because you never know...we may have a real entryway one day...

  9. thank you also for the awesome price on the lotus light--we are excited about that! Julie

  10. I am with you on the entry envy. Our front door goes right into the kitchen and the side door into a stairwell with a landing so small you can't even leave shoes there or the door won't open.
    I'm interested to see what you eventually come up with.
    We're currently repainting the side door and stairwell and my plan is to hang hooks on the wall for coats, have a very narrow shelf for gloves etc and to use the old milk door cubby for keys and paperwork. You can't hang too much stuff on the walls or it gets to be a pain bringing laundry in and out of the basement.
    The rest of the mess is going to have to go into wardrobes and closets elsewhere.

  11. completely humbled to have my entry paired with these beauties. thanks jennifer and yes let's get together soon. really by july 6th after that I will be out of commission for a bit (surgery) blah.

  12. I'm with you, I really need to get my hall in order- its a big fat mess right now

  13. i am right there with you on envying a foyer! but being that we are 'house-less' right now, i envy that too! :)

  14. I too have an entry that is in the living room....who designs these places! It is an awful place to try and make look nice and functional. These images make me long for the day I own a house with a proper entry! I love your blog btw. :)

  15. Love all three! I'll be posting mine on Monday!


  16. I love these entries, too! We have a small entryway at our house, but it's too narrow or short to really put anything in it (unfortunately!). And since our back door opens up right off our family room, no space there either. I was able to hang a nice mirror by the door, though!

  17. I love Julie's blog! She has THE BEST Kitchen!

  18. Love the photo of the foyer with the white table & yellow wellies. Here in soggy Vancouver, I'm always looking for reasonably attractive ways to stash our rain gear! That would be ideal.
