Thursday, July 29, 2010

Country Home: Back From the Dead?

I was surprised a few days ago to see a new issue of Country Home on the newsstand at my grocery store. I flipped through it while I was awaiting my turn in line and immediately tossed it in my cart (before realizing it was $12 ... but hey, no advertising to get in the way!). After I got home I did some investigating and found out that it is a special interest publication (most magazines produce them from time to time) by Meredith and it looks like there will be another one in the fall. If you have a little country-farmhouse in you like I do, I think you'll agree that it's a good one!

Sorry about the photos of photos ... scanner is on the fritz.


  1. Oh like that make me drool and jump for joy. I love magazines like that! ;0) I definitely have a little country farmhouse in me!

    Hope you are doing and feeling well,


  2. thanks for the pics. some of them are inspiring projects. i feel like i owe you a couple of bucks though since you're out 12$

  3. Thanks for the peak, I love it.


  4. I found this last week and purchased it too...I am in love with this publication and got so many ideas from it!

  5. Country Home was my favorite magazine! That's exciting...I might have to go buy one for myself. :) Thanks!

  6. It looks like a great issue. I hope I can find it on the West Coast, $12 or no.

  7. Looks great - I'll have to try to find it here in the Northeast!

  8. Thanks so much for posting this!! I loved Country Home back in the day and am thrilled to have another chance at it. I'm going out to get my copy today.

  9. I bought it too, but I think it is all former pictures. I don't care...still my favorite! Don't you miss it?

  10. Good to know!! I'll look for it. But $12--- that's a big high!

  11. Oh, I think I may need to go it! I need good magazine to read while I sit in the bathroom while the kids bathe, LOL. $12, what's the price of LOVE

  12. hi jennifer,

    it looks really good but twelve dollars! what's this world coming to?


  13. One of the saddest things about moving out of the country was that I had to let go of my collections.. of magazines. Country Home, House & Garden, House Beautiful... etc
    I am hoping I can see this online ? or have someone send me an edition.

  14. oooo... I'm so excited. I gotta go scout this baby out. =)

  15. I know a lot of people do this, but I pull out things that inspire me from magazines and put them in binders labeled "kitchen", "bathroom", "outdoors" etc. It's amazing to me how much of my inspiration has come from Country Home. And no advertising I can get behind that. I hope my local library gets it in!

  16. As much as I loved Country Home and miss it and the TV show on HDTV..I would have to ask.. Are they pictures from the old Country Home? I hope this is not the wave of the future.$12 magazines, 4 times a year, 2 times a year! Having said all that.......gone looking for my copy!!!!!

  17. a few of you have asked whether these images had been published previously. I did recognize one house (not pictured here), but I wasn't a frequent reader, so I'm not sure about the others. wouldn't be surprised if some (if not all) were recycled!

  18. I love when magazines publish a 'special interest' issue, they are always full of eye candy! I will look for it.

  19. I bought this magazine and it didn't disappoint!Love your blog.

  20. Wow - I'm going to have to look for this at the store now!
    Thanks for sharing, it looks great!
