Monday, July 19, 2010

Our New Normal

Hello? Anyone still out there? I'm joining you today (finally) from my new normal. That is, life outside the corporate office. I have more to say about than I can put into words at this moment, but the short of it is that my position was eliminated, and thus, so was I. It was sad in a lot of ways and happy in a lot of others, but mostly, it is strange.

Last week was my first week at home, but it was filled with out-of-town visitors, a day trip to Atlanta, and then heading out of town for a wedding. I had hoped to blog as business as usual, but as you may have noticed, that didn't happen (or even close to it!). So today was my first real day off the job, and let's just say, I was bored at 9:30 a.m. This will definitely take some getting used to, but I think that once I get my computer files in order and establish a loose routine I will be back in action, on the blog at least.

I'm not looking for anything full time for a couple of reasons (this being the main one) but I am looking to get a few things going from home in the 6 months we have until the arrival of Baby Bonds. I'll be sure to share more details as things get ironed out, but I look forward to having you all along for the journey!

In the meantime, I have quite the list of home projects to be completed A. while I have the time and B. before they become physically impossible. Some will be fun (nursery!) and I will be happy to have some good material for you again. Others, like painting and touching up trim, will simply be crossed of the list and never spoken of again.

Photos: various sources via Pink Wallpaper, because all of mine are in captivity on our external hard drive!


  1. how fun! life tosses some interesting changes. looking forward to seeing the nursery and how life evolves for you.

  2. Oh no, sorry to hear that, Jennifer! I actually got laid off a couple of months ago and it was the best thing that happened to me! First off, I hated my job, even though I had been there for 8 years and secondly, I was going to quit before the baby came anyways, so now I can collect unemployment. Since then my days have been filled, and I haven't gotten nearly as much done as I thought I would!!! (52 days left until our little one is scheduled to arrive and I am panicking because I have nothing ready!!!) And, I ironically have less time for blogging now than I did when I was working 50 hours a week but sitting at the computer all day! Enjoy this time while you can:)

  3. Wow, big changes in your life and I think for the better too!! I cant wait to see all your projects and the updates on Baby Bonds!!

  4. Every ending brings a new beginning - you certainly have that with Baby Bonds. Enjoy this time.

  5. enjoy every moment of it! Looking forward to the projects!

  6. Sounds like a lot of change for you. I can't wait to see nursery pics!

  7. As one door closes, another opens. I'm excited to see what is in store for you!

  8. Jennifer, I can't decide if I should say sorry or congratulations about your job. Maybe a little of both. And at least the timing is good!! Good luck with all the changes!

  9. the door closes and the window opens. one day you will look back and think...

    now there is time to enjoy being a mommy. best wishes.


  10. Who knows, this could end up being a blessing. You just never know! I was recently cut back some time and I'm bored out of my mind, too. It's great relaxation, though - enjoy it :)

  11. jennifer....wonderful things will definitely come your way- especially in 6 months :)

  12. You will find plenty to do between now and when the baby arrives... don't you worry! You won't have many days of boredom. Hope to see you soon!

  13. You will find plenty to do between now and when the baby arrives... don't you worry! You won't have many days of boredom. Hope to see you soon!

  14. I found the days so long when I first quit my job to go back to I dont know where they go! You'll be surprised how fast they go once you adjust, especially with the baby! You will love being home :) Can't wait to see your projects...

  15. I'm sorry your job was eliminated. Hopefully this will be a new beginning for you! Good luck.

  16. Sorry about your job, but it sounds as if you have something special to look forward to. Carla

  17. I've never commented on your blog before, but I've been reading it for about a year. I feel like I know you! Congratulations on the baby - that's wonderful news - and I hope that the job situation turns out for the best. Sometimes things are just meant to be for reasons we don't even know. - Jess

  18. Jennifer, Though it feels a bit scary now this will only lead something new and exciting. Something you never even thought of before. We all need a cosmic push sometimes. I was pushed out of the corporate world, twice! It was the best thing that could have happened to me. You have an exciting life ahead of you. I can't wait to hear all about it!

  19. In about 6 mths you will be bored no more! cant wait to see what you have up your sleeve.

  20. I know your changes are bittersweet; mine were as well. But I know you will come out shining! Can't wait to see what you have coming up, let me know if you need help. We must get together!

  21. I'm so sorry to hear your news! I know how tough this can be. I was laid off over a year ago and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I had been so unhappy in the position and being let go (I was pregnant at the time too) led me to my most recent position which I absolutely loved. They hired me even though I was pregnant and would only be there for the summer and since then, they've been keeping a spot open for me until I'm ready to return. I hope everything works out for you and that you find something even better once you're ready :)

  22. I lost my job almost two years ago. It was hard, but it had turned out to be the biggest blessing since now I get to stay at home w/ my little one.

    Enjoy your new normal!

  23. Your new normal is about to change again in six months so enjoy this respite while you can! Hope this situation turns out to be a blessing in disguise.

  24. Hey Jen, so sorry to hear about the job :( But so happy you have a wonderful little distraction on the way!

    xo, Katie

  25. Sorry about your job but congrats on your "promotion" to a stay at home mommy!
    If that lake home is published PLEASE let me know.

  26. Clearly I am behind in my reading! I am sorry but I have the feeling this will be great. Want to do lunch sometime this week?

  27. I hear teaching position was eliminated, but then I found out that I was pg. with our first, and let me tell you, those months pg. just fly by because there is SO much baby preparation to do! And now that Baby is here, there is absolutely NO way I could fit in any job other than him!
    All that to say, you'll get used to it and you'll wonder how you did it all before when you worked because you'll be even busier now!

  28. the same thing happened to me back in december...i was laid off from my job and then found out i was pregnant. you will be surprised at how busy unemployment can be!! good luck!

  29. How did I miss this. I'm sorry about your job. But so excited your pregnant!
