Friday, October 22, 2010

Fallish Feeling and Other Thoughts

I have not meant to be so absent lately, but I suppose I haven't had much to say.

We are moving along on our little kitchen floor project, and I have sat down to share about it a couple of times, but just can't bring myself do that yet.

The house is in complete shambles around it, and really, no one wants to see that! I'm getting a little weary of it myself. But trying to be patient because I know it will be worth the effort when it is finished!

The chaos should be wrapping up (for the most part) by next weekend, so in the meantime, let's just enjoy the quiet serenity of these photos.

And hopefully soon I can make some progress on another little project we have going. Ahem, the nursery.

Once I can walk in there again, that is ...

Happy Weekend!

Photos: via Design*Sponge, via Desire to Inspire, via Mary Ruffle, Eddie Ross, Revival via Kayce Hughes, and Tim Clarke.


  1. I can relate to the feelings of "in-progress-ness". Can't wait to see the finished product. It's worth the wait!

  2. Renovations are fun aren't they (sarcasm). V. rewarding when it is all over tho. Hold tight!

  3. i hope you are feeling well. i love the 2nd photo.


  4. Waiting for a project can get you down a bit - the chaos can be a little depressing. Hang in there and enjoy some time for you if you can.
    Rebecca x

  5. Girl, I feel your pain! I'm 31 weeks pregnant and we are knee deep in 'house projects' too. I'm currently wearing a pair of my husband's old sweat pants which are covered in paint! Good times... Hang in there, all the mess will be a distant memory in the not too distant future. Have a happy weekend and remember to take care of yourself:)

  6. Wow! congratulations on your kitchen. I know it will look good after some decorating. I'm happy to hear that you are planning to have your nursery as your next project. My husband and I are also working on it before the baby arrives on February. We are thinking primarily of the flooring, if we are going to have it in hardwood, vinyl, laminate or ceramic tile. Tampa Fl., where we live is also a good place to find a variety of flooring. I guess we would just take a trip to some stores and consult them for these. Congratulations again, and good luck to your next project.

  7. love that first room!! hope you are doing well jennifer!!
