Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Busy, Busy Bees

To say that the past few weeks have flown by would be an understatement. It has been a non-stop parade of meals, parties, traveling adventures and house projects. Here is a sample of what we have been up to.

We celebrated one Thanksgiving at the lake, and then one on the farm. I definitely take up more space in the kayak 8 months pregnant!

Don't worry, had I fallen in, this girl would have pulled me to safety.

We took at little road trip to Western North Carolina. We saw the Biltmore all decked out for Christmas (I counted 32 trees!) and ate in as many restaurants in Asheville as we could.

Once home, we continued wrapping up little projects all over the house, like in our bedroom, which has finally come together.

And of course, there has been much to do as we count down to Baby Bonds' arrival (give or take five weeks!). We've painted furniture.

And hung light fixtures.

And sorted tiny and precious baby things (and perhaps done a little daydreaming about who will be wearing them soon). Today I'm determined to finish decorating for Christmas - more on that to come!

PS. We also watched Auburn beat Alabama and rout South Carolina to earn a trip to the BCS National Championship Game. WAR EAGLE!


  1. Did you guys stay on Biltmore property? I've been thinking of planning a trip there.

  2. What? Only a few weeks left?! That went so fast!!!! Your bump is so cute in the kayak, you look great! Can't wait to see more of the nursery, love the light fixture. Good luck with the Christmas decorating, just remember to get in a little resting too;)

  3. the pic of you in the kayak is so cute. and i've always wanted to go to biltmore, esp at christmas. take care and don't overdo it.


  4. jennifer everything looks so beautiful. always love getting to see inside your house. I love that you are still kayaking at 8 mths. I am sure I would have never fit :)

  5. We had that same star pendant in our daughter's nursery! The one we had did not give off much light so we recently replaced it but it made neat patterns on the ceiling so she liked looking at it when she was a baby. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

  6. Good luck with the end of your pregnancy -- a time of such sweet anticipation. I love the dresser you painted. Would you be willing to share the color? Thanks so much! Tessa

  7. Very happy to have you back. Your bedroom and the light fixture are beyond lovely. Many happy wishes for a restful remainder of your pregnancy!

  8. Cute! I'm 7 months and starting to feel pretty ugh lately; not sure if I could make it into a kayak!

  9. Hi Jennifer!
    Sounds like a great few weeks! And loved seeing the picture of you in the kayak. We're still pregnant - due any day now...and yet, my 'to do' list (mostly for Mike) keeps growing despite how many projects he checks off!
    I think I'm a nesting maniac.
    X Trina

  10. so cute. I think you and I are about the same amount pregnant. I lived in Knoxville for 5 years during college and never made it to the Biltmore! shame

  11. I can't wait to see more of the nursery. And I hope to see you soon!

  12. you look so cute in your kayak. and your nursery pics are a tease :) can't wait to see more!

  13. eeeek so excited for you!!! you look so adorable oh my goodness!!!!!! get your rest now and huge hug,

  14. Sounds like you have been busy. The Biltmore is one of my favorite places to visit. John and I did the Christmas candlelight tour once. It was magical! Carla

  15. I love the light fixture and the case piece! Great style! Congrats on the new Babe!

  16. You look beautiful! And so happy!

    Lovin' the light fixture and the color of the chest of drawers. Sounds like you've been so busy!

    Hope the next 5 weeks go smoothly and happily.

  17. congrats, Auburn! My cuz used to be quarterback so I always love them, too (but it is UGA's year next year. We're due and Richt is deserving)...okay, back to interiors---love that blue, the white lamps and dark shades (genius), and of course anything star and shiny is divine. Hang in there....Merry Christmas. Julie

  18. We must have just missed each other! We Were their Thanksgiving weekend! It was beautiful! Oh and WAR EAGLE! ;)

  19. First time poster, but such a fan of your site. I absolutely love to say that a room is "finished". Glad that your bedroom is done. It is your haven, right?!

  20. do you know where the light fixture in the first picture is from? i LOVE it.

  21. I haven't said it because I've been MIA for some time Jennifer, but congrats!

  22. War Eagle! I love seeing all the updates and can't wait to see the nursery! I loved going to the Biltmore a year ago and must plan a trip around Christmas, I am sure it is amazing. Too bad they won't allow any interior photos. You are adorable in the kayak and hope you are feeling wonderful!

  23. I love what i see so far of the nursery, I cant wait to see more!
