Monday, August 22, 2011

Beautiful Messes

Some days, the bed doesn't get made until the middle of the day.

The sewing projects pile up in the dining room.

This stinker gets two baths (she is more interested in feeding herself than being fed - it is fun but messy!).

The colorful plastic toys take over my once calm living room.

The kitchen counter is lost under a pile of dishes (the dishwasher is broken ...).

But it will probably get worse because someone is dying to be on the move!


  1. Loving the messy mouth baby photo. She looks so happy! Looks like a happy mess all around!

  2. Those are the best "messes" in life ..enjoy.

  3. I can relate on so many levels! And our dishwasher was broken too - reminds you how amazing those things are!

    Our little Graham is moving around - not crawling quite yet, just rolling and tossing from here to there.

    It changes EVERYTHING!

    And I see Elliot got her two bottom teeth! So have Graham and Margaret (a couple of weeks ago). They grow so fast!


  4. She is so beautiful! I can't get over her eyes :) It was great to see y'all two weeks ago - hope it happens again soon!

  5. Love this post. Can definitely relate to life getting crazy and hectic!

    Little Elliot is really cute, though. Sounds like she's going to keep you on your toes indefinitely.

  6. Her jammies rock!

    I feel yeah on the house front.. it does get a tad better but only because they learn to be helpful haha..

  7. Definitely a beautiful mess. She is so cute!

  8. Beautiful, meaningful "mess"--this is what life is all about!

  9. So happy to read that you are blogging again, I've missed your daily reads! Yup, that sums up my house to the T!

  10. So glad to see you fully embracing the chaso and beauty of motherhood! You're doing a wonderful job.

    Little Elliott is not so little any more! She's so big and precious. I'd love to see you guys.

    I ran across this the other day and got a good laugh out of it. I'm sure you will, too, if you haven't see it already :)

    Have a great Wednesday!

  11. Welcome to motherhood! It is a very long, challenging and all together rewarding day. Elliot is getting so big!

  12. Wow, look at those eyes! Beautiful messes indeed...and hate to tell you that they don't seem to go away, but still worth it, of course.

  13. looks and sounds like my house right now. but I love it too! I just want to breathe in every little moment while he's little. and honestly, I was never very good at staying on top of my domestic duties in the first place:)

  14. Oh my goodness! She is getting so big! I loved this post :)

  15. What beautiful blue eyes!!!! She's adorable, Jennifer!

  16. Beautiful messes indeed! With a face like that it doesn't matter what your house looks like! Ours looks the same right now too!

  17. She is SO cute!!! Yep, that sounds just like my house :)

  18. i can so relate to this post too! the only thing i think hubby and i agreed to do is make the bed in the morning!

  19. Some days and even weeks are like that. Somethings are just more important.
