Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 194's early gift

Last Saturday may have been Wes' birthday, but I was the one who got the gift! Actually, it's an early birthday pressent for me - the day of my birth is in February.

I was browsing a favorite local antiques mecca with some out-of-town friends (basically trying to convince them to move here!), when I spotted this lovely pair of antique Venetian glass lamps. I have walked away from a thing or two at this shop before, only to miss out, so I knew better this time. I took them home on approval and announced to Wes that afternoon that, to his relief, I had taken care of his birthday present to me. I'm such a good wife.

Check out the retro plugs!

They do work, although having the wiring updated is probably a good idea, and I can't use them until I get some shades anyway. In doing some research for this post, I'm seeing that the going theme for shades is a basic drum, but mine are much smaller, so I don't know if I'll be able to get the proportion right. I can't wait to try! And I'd eventually love to have the brass bases replaced with a lucite disk, a la Jan Showers, but that might just have to wait until my next birthday.

Jan Showers, Venetian series #3, moonstone

The other "gift" of the weekend was the pleasure of the company of the dear friends who drove in from Charlotte just to see us. We caught up, reminiced, tried a new restaurant, laughed and ate birthday cake together - all in all, a fantastic weekend. Unfortunately, we were too busy to snap a picture of ourselves, so all I have is this one, taken on our last official night out together in Auburn, just before 5 of the 6 graduated. PTL for good friends.


  1. great buy! i love them!

  2. Dear Newlywed,
    Light the way for wives and fellow bloggers.
    New to this blogging world and hope you will visit my site-
    a penchant for creating and artful life is my quest,
    (while being a good wife, mother of 3 and artist.)
    still blissful after 20 years here!

  3. Aww--we did drive in JUST to see you (and Ben and Caroline) We miss you too! :)
