Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 197's exciting/scary prospect

Wes and I have a bonafide appointment with a realtor to look at a house this evening, and I'm already sweating about mortgage payments. I mean, we still have 5 months on our lease so this is really just to start testing the waters, but still.

The house is about three blocks from our apartment (which rocks because we love our 'hood) so I noticed a "open Sunday" sign on a drive-by last week. We made a appearance yesterday, but the sign must be old, because it was definitely not open. We walked around - it has a really charming little back patio, though the rest of the yard could use some work - and were pretty pleased with what we could see. It's definitely a fixer-upper (hooray!), but the price reflects that, and we can't really afford our dream house at this point (pictured above ...sigh ...).

It's all very exciting, and very scary at the same time!


  1. that's not my dream home.

  2. The Biltmore ain't for sale, Wessy.

    PLUS it's not in Birmingham.

  3. Buying your first home is totally scary. Our house should have been condemned. We had SUBfloor in our kitchen, not even a real floor, when we bought it. But it's in a great neighborhood and even though 3 years later there is still work to do, it was worth it.

    Fixers will test your relationship and make it stronger if you have the will and stamina. :)

    Go for it. And good luck!
