Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 242's adoption

It’s official. We are getting a puppy. After my last post about getting a dog, Jennifer and I talked and we decided that right now it probably wouldn’t be best to pay $750 - $1000 on a pure bred Whippet so we opted to go the route of rescue adoption. We went to the Greater Birmingham Humane Society with some friends and found some great dogs, but none that we really HAD to have. The adoption fee was $150 for most of the dogs, which seemed a little ridiculous to me, but the place was nice and they're obviously using the money well because they have a great turnover rate. We were also moving in a few days and having a dog would have made things pretty difficult.

I was talking with the co-ops in the office across the hall about getting a dog, and one of them mentioned that she had a friend at Miss. State who bought a dog without her mom knowing and has to give it away. I told her to get me some info, and the girl sent me an email that night. Just looking at the pictures on Barney the Blackberry I knew this was possibly the cutest dog ever. She's a 10-week-old Australian Shepherd. And get this, she's giving me the dog, the vaccination records, bowls, leash, collar, food, and the crate for $75. I emailed her back and told her to let me talk it over with Jennifer and to not sell it until I had given her an answer. Yesterday Jennifer gave me the go-ahead (Jennifer was very awesome during the discussions and I think she's 100% on board with it). The other Miss. State co-op is going to Starkville this weekend and he’s bringing her home for me on Sunday.

Here’s the deal though. The dog’s name is Ava or Eva -- I don’t even know because I’m not a fan. No offense to anyone named Ava that’s reading this, but I just don’t like it for my dog. I’m thinking of going with Maddie, which will be short for Madison. I'll probably call her Mad Dog or Madison when I'm mad at her. Pictures are below and more posts on life with Maddie will follow.


  1. yea! she is so precious.

    I hope Peepers doesn't completely flip his lid!

  2. i know this sweet pup will be a big part of your family in no time. protect that seagrass rug!! :)

  3. eeek, I know. Lindsay has already warned me about that and the couch! I was clearly blinded by love, as I didn't think of either ...

  4. don't worry about it. Aussies are smart and I'm sure Mad Dog will learn quickly not to take a leak on our rug or couch. Plus, you know she'll be in my lap and not on the couch, so basically I need some new khakis and polos.

  5. sooooo precious!
    glad you rescued!!

  6. I'm not sitting on a pee couch. That is, if I get invited to sit at all...

    She is cute. Can' wait to meet her.

  7. Adorable! Another blog that I read,, has had a lot of posts lately about their new Australian Shepherd puppy, Coco. You should check it out. :)

  8. I just discovered your blog and am loving it so far. I had to comment on your Maddie post, though. She looks so much like our dog, Rigby, did at that age. Figure 1:
    Rigby is supposedly part border collie and is as smart as a whip (as yours is, I'm sure).
