Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 243's crush

For no reason at all yesterday, I was poking around e-bay looking at dining chairs (and no, I don't have a dining table). I would die for an antique set of Louis XVI-style chairs, but I'm wondering if a set of Chinese Chippendale chairs would be a better fit for our house (not these, Wes, I realize they are more than we'll be spending any time soon!).

Which brought me to e-bay. There were none. So I did the next logical thing: I Googled them. And who do I see but the fabulous and wonderful Memphis designer Biggs Powell! He just put together a gorgeous "man bath" for the remodeling section of Southern Accents, and I've had a slight crush on him since. I knew he had a reproduction furniture line, but I didn't know he sold antiques, too. Be still my heart.

First, there's the dream dining chair set:

Oh look, he has round ones too.

And here's the prettiest little coffee table ever! Surprise, surprise, it's way out of the budget:

Look at this dreamy little light fixture, how pretty would she be in a big, fancy bath?!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are mirrors galore, light fixtures and lamps of every imaginable style, chairs all shapes ... I could go on. If you've got serious cash to blow, check him out.

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