Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 367's anniversary festivities

Last night we kicked off the anniversary celebrations with a surprise trip to Leaf 'n' Petal to pick out hydrangeas for the yard. Sadly, they didn't have what we were looking for, but we still had fun poking around this really cute garden shop. While we were there, we scored some great little pots that were on clearance and a plant we'll call our "love fern," round 2 (I neglected the first one ...).

After a low-key burrito dinner (I'm low-maintenance, what can I say?), we headed home to exchange gifts and relax a bit. Following tradition, we bought each other paper. Wes bought me another egg print to go with the one we brought back from our Charleston honeymoon and I gave him a gift certificate for some golf lessons.

And, of course, we hung the egg prints as soon as we could!

Hanging pictures with an engineer is always an adventure. There was lots of measuring and remeasuring and making pencil marks on the wall. I just stood around sipping my wine (and taking pictures) -- I'm really more of an eyeball-it kind of girl, so my involvement in the process typically entails handing him the hammer if he can't reach it. But hey, they are very straight so no complaints here.

Don't they look so happy together! I'm so glad our blank walls are slowly starting to disappear. The celebration continues tonight with an Italian dinner and our year-old wedding cake -- stay tuned!


  1. Lol at hanging prints with an engineer! They look fantastically straight and perfect in that space!

    Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary!

    I love the prints, but also the lamps on your nightstands! We just ordered a new bed (yay!) that's dark wood and I've been trying to decide if white or some other colored nightstands would look okay... I love how your dark wood bed looks against the white nightstands and lamps!

  3. Look at that beautiful Auburn sunset!

  4. thanks, leah!

    thanks, jersey girl. the night stands are flea market finds. one was yellow and one was orange, and the white you are seeing is actually just primer that I painted about 6 months ago ...but yes, we are planning to paint them white.

  5. I just cried a little bit. I can't believe it's been a year! Congrats you two!
    love, Caroline B.

  6. LOL I'm the engineer who has to hang everything perfectly! My husband on the other hand just guesses and then when it's in the wrong place he just makes a new hole. It drives me crazy!

  7. Happy Anniversary.

  8. Happy, happy! What fabulous gifts. Of course, I'm loving the egg prints. It doesn't get much better than that. GORGEOUS!

  9. congratulations!
    we celebrated our 1 year anniversary on June 30th as well!

  10. i love it!
    We hang things the same way; TJ is like Wes and I am like you.
    Can't wait to hear about the cake!

  11. Jennifer-I am so glad you mentioned what it is like to hang a picture with an engineer! I too am married to one and by the time he's ready to hang the picture, I've usually wandered away and found something else to do (or am busy making fun of his "precision"-or "OCD"-depending upon how long I've been waiting).

    By the way-LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog and am slowly working my way through it. I am adoring the blue bedroom pics you post and have found a lot of color ideas-we're currently working on repainting our whole house-veeeeerrrrry slowly.

    Thanks so much for sharing!!
