Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 366

Day 366 ... you know what that means! It is really hard to believe it has already been a year since we said "I do." Our wedding day was beautiful and perfect and blessed and just so much fun! I would totally do it all again (my parents have denied that request).

After the wedding, we spent a week in Charleston recovering, drinking wine, eating shrimp and grits, and day-dreaming about filling our house on the battery with all of the fantastic antiques we saw. It was fabulous.

On Day 23, I started this blog. It took a few months for me to find my groove, but by the time 2008 rolled in, we were in full swing. Which was a good thing, because there would be plenty to document in the coming months.

After much tossing and turning on my part, on about Day 239, we moved into our first house. Boy has that been an adventure! We've done lots of unpacking, torn out one bathroom, replaced the mailbox, bought furniture, begged strangers for rugs, painted furniture, fantasized about the future, painted walls, debated about what to do with the office, and generally made due with what we've got (and what our parents gave us).

On Day 246 we adopted our Australian Shepherd pup, Maddie, and she is just a joy! She occasionally gets into trouble, but we just love her to death and she really has added so much to our first year.

Somewhere along the way, something unexpected happened: People started reading our blog! Some even decided to tell their friends, and that has just been the biggest thrill for us. We love hearing about your blogs and your lives, and we are so glad that you are a part of ours. Thanks for coming along!


  1. What?! We have the same anniversary! Congrats! Your trip looks like it was a lot of fun.

    This is one of my favorite blogs to read. You have the right amount of design, home renovation, and funny. Oh and lots of beautiful pictures. That is key! I love your wedding shot! Did I miss a post or a bio somewhere with more wedding pictures?

    Here's to many more years to come!

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog and am enjoying reading about your home projects, as I too love to busy myself with the same. Thanks for the great read.
