Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 675's new additions

My love for hydrangeas is well-documented, but until this weekend, I didn't have any of my own. I scoped out a spot for them almost the instant we moved in, but it needed a little prep work before I brought home any prized specimens.

I was running post-yard sale errands with my mom on Saturday, when we came across a sidewalk plant sale at the mom-and-pop grocery in Mt. Laurel. They had dozens of them, and unlike the ones I've seen this year at the big-box stores, they looked healthy, and the price was right. I bought three 'Nikko Blues' and planted them (during a tornado warning!) safely out of Maddie's reach.

I had hoped to make some more progress in what will one day be my little shade garden, but the weather hasn't been cooperative. The English Ivy we pulled up last summer is back with a vengeance, and the random mounds of monkey grass need a more well-defined home. Add it to the list! But the progress is good, and now I'm much closer to my dream of a picket fence with hydrangeas spilling over ... sigh.


  1. It will look wonderful. I put in a few tokyo delights a couple years ago that are doing well and a few endless summers last year. I love hydrangeas and I am so jealous that where you are they are already budding and will grow so fast!

  2. I just adore hydrangeas. I have lime lights. They are perfect for the sun and have actually been doing well in the horrid clay.

  3. Hi! Not sure if you knew this but if you change the acidity content of the soil, you can change the color of the blooms. I unfortunately don't know the proportions, but if you ever get tired of blue, you can turn them pink or white.

    Love your blog,

  4. Lovely! hydrangeas are my favorite too (they were my flowers at my wedding) I planted some about a month ago and added some blue ones on Saturday.

  5. I LOVE hydrangeas. And I have none in my yard. Maybe I should change that.

  6. OK now I know that the post is about hydrangeas (which I love) but I HAVE to ask about the dog in the photo which I assume is Maddie. Is she a Bernese Mountain Dog? If so...we have to talk. We have a 1yr old BMD who is the love of our lives and I totally get having to plant your hydrangeas out of her reach...BMD's are so worth it though.

    Tricia - Avolli
