Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 705's gratuitous Maddie picture

She loves to lie in the windows on the front of the house and look out. I love the natural light -- it makes picture-taking easy.


  1. thanks! we think so :) she's a rescue, so we can't be sure unless we have her DNA sent off, her looks, size, and, most of all, behavior suggest she is a border collie.

  2. hey what kind of camera do you have? great pictures. i'm on the look out for a new one.

  3. She looks so regal in the second photo!

  4. Amanda, we have a Nikon D60. It was an early anniversary gift that I gave her so she could use it on the California trip. It's possible there will be a post dedicated to it as we get closer to the anniversary. I've got some links to my research and to the store where I got it. Email me if you're interested.

  5. What a beautiful dog, I love the second photo!

  6. she looks so regal in that second photo. so sweet.

  7. Oh she has such a sweat face. Thanks for sharing her with us. I've posted about my Bernese Mountain dog and included pictures so please take a look:

    Tricia - Avolli

  8. Just found your blog and my dog's name is Maddie too! Your Maddie is almost as precious as mine. ;)
    Love your blog!
