Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 958's pretty

I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day! I personally love the holiday -- I don't expect or want any grand gestures, but it is the only time of year I don't feel like a total dweeb wearing pink or doodling hearts. I'm going to do some holiday-themed baking and we'll celebrate with a quiet dinner at home (and okay fine, probably a little housework).

Happy Weekend!

Lovely, lovely flower arrangements and photos courtesy of Saipua.


  1. Oh this makes me want to wear pink and doodle hearts every day!

  2. I love the flowers. Gotta love brightly colored flora. It's just so uplifting.

  3. Oh please post your recipes, I always love your recipes! The pumpkin bread is a staple in our house now. Happy V Day!

  4. Dina -- I hope to get that up this weekend!

  5. I'm with you... probably some holiday themed baking and cooking at home.

    I told Michael that I don't want to leave the house until church on Sunday! A nice lazy weekend with nothing to do (except clean and wash clothes- but that's nothing new)....

  6. Oh baking sounds like a great idea.

    I just found the recipe for the best brownies from Southern Living that I've been wanting to try out.

  7. I hope you have a wonderful weekend wearing lots of pink and doodling hearts all over!

  8. that first picture is GORGEOUS. happy vday!


  9. It is a good day to wear pink, isn't it? I hope you had a lovely Valentine's day.
