Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 977: tulips and portraits

This image caught my eye this week because it reminded me of my house ...

And the white tulips sitting under my little portrait. I loved the way they drooped the night I brought them home from the grocery store, but of course they were standing at attention by the next morning. Tulips are so unruly. Maybe I just need to let it go* and let them do what they want. Trina says they shouldn't even be trimmed!

*Don't worry, I'm not losing sleep over tulips.


  1. I took her advice and I must say they are still going, I bought them Friday. Oh, and I also put a penny in the bottom so they wouldn't droop to much. They were for a shower.

  2. What a beautiful shot of your home - I absolutely love the portrait of the little girl.
    Tulips just have a mind of their own!

  3. Beautiful! I just love tulips (and your house).

  4. Beautiful. I went to Davis Wholesale last week and picked up some fresh flowers for my house. Makes such a difference. Esp w/ this dreary weather!

  5. I totally thought that the first image was your house!

  6. I've been married nearly 13 years, and my house never looks that good!(Maybe it would if the kids ever picked up their toys!) Love the tulips and the overall decor.

  7. Either way they look great, I love tulips.

  8. Tulips will grow toward the light, so choosing the location of where you put them will affect how they look. Looks lovely.

  9. White and pink are my favorite color. Boy do I just love spring. They look so good in photographs.

  10. Yes, it does look like your place!


  11. oh how beautiful....i love love love this photo

  12. I love white tulips and I LOVE that last photo of your home! Perfect!

  13. I think not cutting them has helped. The pink french tulips have especially held up well. Love the last image...beautiful home and beautiful photograph! Trina
