Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where I've Been

It's only April, but I can already feel the summer busy season beginning. And even when I am home, I've been spending more and more time outside enjoying the beautiful weather. In other words, not in front of my computer. Last week I discovered these darling weeds growing in our grass-less backyard.

They seem very happy next to my kitchen sink.

Over the weekend, I went to Tennessee to help Baby Sister throw a camp-out cook-out for one of her friends. The budget for decorating the party was Zero, so Middle Sister and I joined forces to make it special. Dad clipped red bud and dogwood from the woods on his property, and we put them in big glass vases (the biggest of which I didn't get a photo of).

And of course there were lanterns and lots of candles. FYI, dogwood blooms don't do so well out of water.

The party was at my Dad's cabin. He recently added this pretty Empire dresser to the bedroom, where it seems equally out of place and so right at home.

What have you been up to?


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    Those are weeds? I need some of those!

    I've been gardening, aka working my arse off!


  2. Wow, pretty weeds. :)

    We've been attempting to finish our kitchen remodel, which threw us for another loop so we took our frustration out on our front lawn, which we attempted to resuscitate.

  3. Beautiful pictures. I bet the party was fun.

  4. Ah! Great decor on a ZERO budget. I've been in Austin :)

  5. I never would have guessed the budget was zero- the decorations look beautiful!

  6. I guess I should say that my sister and I used things we had around the house. So other than replaced a few candles we burned, we didn't spend a thing!

  7. beautiful! I would have never guessed the budge was zero =)

  8. I wish my weeds looked like ajuga.

  9. Your "weeds" are actually a perennial groundcover called Ajuga, they bloom in spring and have coppery reddish to purple foliage with tints of green. They're low-growing 4-6" and will spread when happy.

  10. oooh thanks Amy! that sounds exactly like them!

  11. I love decorating with found objects and flowers. I typically decorate without a budget also. I recently bought some lanterns on sale and can't wait to use them. Carla

  12. I also wish my weeds were this pretty. :) Love your blog!

  13. So pretty. I love spring and putting blooming branches in water :)
