Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 1083's pretty

Living in the South, I do not consider June a spring month, but a summer one. It has definitely felt like summer for ... quite a while. And the Queen Anne's Lace are in full bloom, too. But after this weekend it's officially summer, hooray!

Happy Weekend!

Photo: New Farmhouse Style.


  1. oh my, i know. I am already melting.

  2. Very pretty. And yes- June is definitely considered a summer month!

  3. June is usually a summer month here too but not this year! We can't seem to leave spring's cool temperatures and rain. Hoping that come Monday, things start to change! Happy weekend!

  4. I can't imagine-- summer is one time I do NOT miss living in Alabama. We are in the 90's with 80% humididty here-- but it's the low 90's, and that makes SUCH a difference!

  5. I think of it as summer, too... I even lump in the end of May :)

  6. Agreed...and fall doesn't start in September either! :/ Summer goes from May-October around here!

  7. I agree! After over a week of temperatures in the 90's, I know June is a summer month! Carla

  8. Now THAT is a pretty pic, simple but oh so pretty. Queen Anns lace is growing in the ditches all out near out neighborhood, maybe I should just go and pick some.

    And yep, even thought it might not be summer according to the calendar, it certainly is from the heat index. Sweltering!

  9. So pretty and yay for summer! It's been sunny all weekend long here in NY!

  10. Lovely image - I'm so glad you are continuing with the numbers in your title occasionally - I think it's so sweet!
