Thursday, January 13, 2011

Elliot Claire's Birthday

Elliot's birth day (which she shares with her Daddy, by the way) was the most special and precious day of our lives to date. We worked hard to bring her into the world in the way we felt was best: as naturally as possible. For those interested, here is our story from the perspective of our wonderful doula, Melissa (pictured here). It's not an especially gory version, but it is about natural birth, so there is your warning.

We were (and still are!) completely shocked it was a girl!

I would do it again every day for a look into those bright blue eyes!


  1. oh my goodness... she already has a little personality! So cute. Loved hearing about her. Now I'll REALLY be your blog stalker ;)

  2. Oh my goodness! The second photo melts your heart!

  3. She is adorable. Congratulations! (not sure what your last name is but we have lots and lots of girl clothes with ECM monogrammed on them... If you have an m last name, I can send them your way)

  4. She is just beautiful! Congratulations to you all!

  5. congrats! and it only gets better - imagien that!

  6. oh Jennifer. Such beautiful images to have. She is wonderful.

  7. Congratulations! She is so beautiful and precious! thank you for sharing.

  8. that picture of wes - right when he first sees her - man, it brings me to tears every time i look at it. and the surprise on your priceless. i'm really glad it turned out.

    she's just so precious! can't wait to get my hands on her!!!

  9. Beautiful, beautiful pictures. What a lovely thing for a father and daughter to share: a birthday!

  10. What a gift! I also had a natural childbirth and it was the most fulfilling, wonderful experience in the world, I loved it. Way to go mama

  11. Great photos! I know you will cherish those.

    Take a quick look at that top picture. It looks like a screen shot of General Hospital in the mid-60's. The black and white and hospital room...

  12. I'm 7 months preggo and love reading about your new baby. I LOVE your all's faces in that one shot. Priceless. Congrats. She is adorable.

  13. I'm just now seeing this post - what an amazing story from your doula too!

    Congratulations, again. She is simply beautiful.

  14. Oh my! What a gorgeous baby girl! I've been following your blog for over a year now and I just realized that you live in Birmingam. And you are the same Jennifer that I read about through Melissa's blog! Crazy. Congratulations on the new addition!

  15. Congratulations to both of you! I am new to the blog world, and yours is one of my favorites! I look forward to reading more about your new little one!

  16. Way to go girl!!
    Loved your birth story!
    I just had my son 8 weeks ago, naturally as well, so I totally feel where you are coming from.
    Enjoy that little girl. Mommy hood is the best.

  17. She is too cute! That photo with the cap is precious!

  18. wow gorgeous! The black& whites are amazing. At first I didn't realize it was you! I thought it stills from a movie! Big Congrats!

  19. Thank you for sharing these. I can't wait to meet her!

  20. sweet pics! loved your doula's story too :) Congrats again!
