Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 639: front yard progress

The weatherman was calling for torrential downpours and and dangerous thunderstorms on Saturday, and it's a good thing he was wrong, because this is what the back of our car looked like after an hour in Lowe's.

Spring 2009

And after several hours of fun with a shovel, this (above) is what the front of the house looks like. Let's review at bit, shall we?

Spring 2008

This is what the front of the house looked like about this time last year. Since then we:
  • pulled up the overgrown boxwoods

  • spent hours picking 1970s-style "landscape rocks" out of the beds (though we still found a bucket-full this weekend!)

  • removed the gas lantern (it didn't work) and an old tree stump underneath it (read about it here)

  • removed the iron storm door

  • painted the front door

  • reconfigured the porch lighting (read about it here)

  • In front of the porch, we planted 9 small pyramid holly bushes and 3 small white azaleas. We wanted this round of plantings to be neat, small and easily maintained, and to form an evergreen backdrop for annuals and perennials to be added with time. We planted in groups of three to lend a little order to the facade. Maybe now I won't notice that the "columns" aren't spaced evenly.

    I originally wanted boxwoods, but quickly realized that would either cost a small fortune, or leave us with plants so immature that we'd likely be looking at twigs for the rest of our time in the house. These holly cost about a third of what the boxwoods of the same size cost, so we got essentially the same look for a fraction of the price. We also saved about $45 by skipping the "name brand" 3-gallon azaleas and buying the off-brand versions that also happened to be on sale. Since Lowe's offers a 1-year warranty on all its plants, we didn't mind scrimping a little.

    We also planted two crepe myrtles between the porch and the office window, but that side still needs a little work before its Internet debut.

    We still need to get some pine straw to finish the beds, and as summer gets closer I'm hoping to put some annuals on either side of steps. We'll have a front porch fit for sittin' in no time!


    1. Lookin good! Love the white azaleas too!

    2. Jennifer!

      I'm so impressed. The front of the house looks so good! I can't wait to see how you remove the columns.

      Oh, I guess you did a good job too Wes.

    3. Great job and quite a labor of love! I love the new look and can't wait to see what comes next.

    4. looks like ya'll have been busy! I remember those first house days. Looking good!

    5. It looks so pretty! I love what you have done with the front of your house, its quite the difference from when you first started and it looks beautiful!!

    6. way to go girl! what progress! You deserve a huge pat on the back!

    7. Isn't planting new plants fun? Good choice on the azaleas and pyramid holly bushes. I'm looking forward to seeing your crepe myrtles. Looks like your kitty approves of the new landscape in the last pic.

    8. I am amazed at what a fabulous job you guys have done on your house! Looks wonderful! And about the rug in the other post, I say go for it. It looks like it will fit in just fine! The only thing that would keep me from voting for it would be if your floors look like the one its lying on in the photo... But I am assuming you guys might have wooden floors in a darker shade? Anyway, just my thoughts. :) Have a great day!

    9. Looks so great. I love working in the yard. Now that we are back from vacation- I hope that it will be dry enough this weekend to get some things done!

    10. Looks good. I know what it's like to renovate. When I moved into my current home almost every room had velvet wallpaper from the 70's. Yikes!

      Two additional suggestions: two porch chairs and box plant/flower(s) next to the door. You may have already made some additions as I look at this on April 2010.

    11. It looks good! Working in the yard can really make you feel energized. It's great to have nice weather while doing the job, too. It would have been pretty gloomy if it rained that time, ha ha...
