Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 928: favorite HomeGoods goodies

Last night I stumbled onto the HomeGoods Openhouse blog that invites HG enthusiasts to share their favorite finds. My love for HomeGoods is well-documented, so it was fun to see what others considered the "find of a lifetime." I have to admit, some of the items were the type of things that make me wonder "who buys this stuff?" when I see it in my local store. But to each his own, right? I'm glad that even the most obscure accessory can find a happy home even if I personally wouldn't want it in mine.

Anyway, I thought I'd share some of my favorite HomeGoods finds (and TJ Maxx, too). My most prized find is the 8x10 braided seagrass rug in our dining room. It paid under $200 for it (Pottery Barn's version is $249) and was elated! It used to be in the living room until I found a 10x12 version for $20 at a thrift store (by the way, my sister found PB's 9x12 version at a different thrift store for $20 last week!).

The only other HomeGoodies (yes, I just made that up) in this picture are the the platters on the wall. I loved the look of vintage ironstone, but have yet to find any in my price range. For now I fake it with whiteware, and I don't think that these four together cost more than $25.

When we outfitted our guest bedroom from scratch, HG was the first (and really only) place I looked. I bought everything for the bed -- mattress pad, 4 pillows, white sheets, and white quilt -- for just a bit more than $100. The starburst mirror is an old TJ Maxx find (I have three of them, actually) that I paid $7 for on clearance.

For me, the most dangerous aisles are the tableware. Almost all of my "accent" dishes came from HG or TJ, including these blue and white plates, which are my favorites. In the summer three of them hang in the guest bedroom, but I swapped them for these when I changed the room for fall. They are also from Marshall's and I bought them in college. Just this fall I found eight of the same plates in black -- we actually eat off those.

And speaking of faking ironstone, all of my white pitchers hail from HG, too. I have five or six in different sizes and use them all the time for everything from flowers to warm syrup. All were less than $15.

These are the highlights, but I have also bought lamps, a couple of small rugs, books, vases and probably more than Wes would like to know about. I usually steer pretty clear of the decorative accessories area as I prefer to to buy that sort of thing antique or vintage (if you'd like, most of my antiquing adventures are here). I have learned the hard way to snatch things up when I see them -- I'm still sick over losing this rug.

So tell me: Do you love HG as much as I do? What are your favorite HomeGoodies?


  1. Oh YES! Already been there twice this week and it's only Hump Day! My favs are bedding, mirrors, lamps, votive glassware for big candles, lanterns, towels, and now the kiddie aisle as we're expecting our first!
    Why pay more when you can get it at HG's?!

  2. I just found your blog because I am 1. a newlywed and 2. trying to decorate our new apartment! So far I am in LOVE with your blog and hope to find some inspiration for new pad.

    Oh and HomeGoods is amazing - there was one by my work in my old town and I didn't visit it enough b/c I was too busy paying for things for our wedding! Now that we are married and have a place to furnish I can't find one near us!

  3. I LOVE Home Good's. I got an upholstered ottoman for about $40. I can't narrow my favorite's down but that for sure was a highlight. I am going to have to check that blog out, thanks for sharing!

  4. There are no HomeGoods in my entire STATE! The closest one is 3 hours away. It's probably good for my bank account that there isn't one; TJ's & Marshalls & Target do enough damage as is. Maybe I should start a Facebook petition: "Bring HomeGoods to Washington State!"

  5. Neat! There was a chaise on clearance that someone beat me to and I am STILL kicking myself about it.

  6. I go into my Homegoods on the weekends and I spend a good 2 hours in there every time! If I was to do a post like this I would have to photograph my whole house, seriously I buy everything from there :)

    Great post, I love seeing what other treasures people get from there.

  7. Homegoods has some fabulous lamps! I can't imagine paying more than $50 for an awesome lamp...

    I have 2 within driving distance so I can do some serious damage if not careful.

  8. I l-o-v-e HomeGoods ... in fact, my first stop while in Birmingham this weekend is HG! Woo!!

  9. I love Home Goods. I just bought four down pillows there last week. All my bed linens and bath towels are from Home Goods. Found two bedstand table lamps there that I love. Also, got two small seagrass rugs for both bathrooms. So yes much love for Home Goods! Thankfully it's over an hour away so I can't go all the time. OH, I also get all of my cloth napkins there...AND the best blanket throws (I've started a collection :), wonderful CRANE stationary...and the list goes on. xoTrina

  10. Trina -- I saw your lamps on the HG blog!

  11. You know I love HG! Headed to the one in Pensacola tomorrow and I can't wait. It's a great one.

    I have so many things from there that I love- but I do love my lamps (thanks to you). Maybe we should all do posts showcasing HG items in our homes!

  12. I scored a William Sonoma Home needlepoint pillow for $14.95!

  13. Nice selection! I (embarrassingly enough) recognize a lot of stuff in your pictures from the stores. Massachusetts is filled with Homegoods, and I have been known to enter the name of the store into my GPS and drive a while just to check out a different location. You have a great vision for the treasures ... these pictures were fun to look at!

  14. Your guest room is gorgeous! I love the chest as a side table.

    You should be an advertisement for HG. Anyone can make a house look good if they have unlimited funds, but it takes a special eye to make as house look as good as yours with HG finds.

  15. Julie that is too funny!

    Colette, that is so kind! Thank you.

  16. everything is so gorgeous. If it weren't for HG I would be in trouble. I can't actually afford my taste so it's a life aver.

  17. I love all your HomeGoodies! And I love shopping a Home Goods. I introduced my sister to the store this past year and she is hooked!

  18. I just discovered HomeGoods this past year when we moved & I love it! I actually went there last night and scored a cute plant stand for cheap. :) I found my Johnson & Bros. pink Xmas dishes there this Christmas too...which I added to...and my favorite rug in the world was bought there. I love it! All so affordable! And it makes a great place for gifts,too. And I can't even begin to tell you how much I love TJ's. I have 3 within close driving distance (scary, I know) ...I'm probably there at least once a week!

    :) Gail

  19. We're remodeling right now so I don't have the space to decorate at the moment (but soon enough I'll be able to GO TO TOWN) but I still stop in multiple times a week just to check out the goodies. We have several TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Homegood stores nearby us and I like to check them all! Probably my favorite scores so far have been luggage, Le Creuset and Emile Henry pieces!

  20. I love HG and I am slightly angry there isn't a closer one to us in Mississippi! For Christmas I had my mind set on a table and chairs for Avery and tried getting a fried to find a similar set in Dallas, Atlanta, and begged Nathan to let us stop in Birmingham while en route to his hometown for Christmas(I had to relent since he was right, there was NO space in our car for anything else). I have yet to find one, but can't wait to take a trip to a HG soon!!

    Love seeing all the goodies you found!!

  21. I'll keep my eyes open for you, Chelsea!

  22. love your finds. I can't wait to check out the Home Goods site, should be entertaining!!

  23. i don't have a homegoods, but do have a tjmaxx. i got the vase i posted about here at tj's and was so thrilled the day i saw it on the shelf when i had been wanting one for sooo long! also, i have managed to find some real vintage ironstone at thrift stores, so keep looking! i have mine displayed on my dining room shelves, but am so tired of that look..maybe i should hang them?!

    i love your guestroom!!

  24. You're so sweet! But seriously, you have great taste so if you see something and like it, please let me know!

  25. I wish we had a HGs near me. I'm not sure where the closest one is, but it's at LEAST an hour away.

    By the way, I love that color in your guest room - what is the paint color?

  26. My big score was 2 lucite square lamps & a metal fold up out-door table to go with the Smith & Hawkin folding French bistro chairs that I also scored at the S&H closing sale in town. Usually I buy linens at Home Goods. Love their $1.00 shopping bags!!!

  27. What an impressive good you have shared with us regarding house decor.

  28. Thank you for this nice sharing. Great post.
